Sansa vs. Arya, Ep. 7.6


You never would have survived what I survived.


I guess we’ll never know.

Binging the whole series now, cannot let this exchange go unremarked. Sansa has no idea what Arya has survived, because Sansa is a narcissist, not exactly shallow but not deep in any way at all. She does what she is told. Arya is bold; a pioneer with a tiny body, a strong mind and a titanic heart. Bitch, she KILLS THE NIGHT KING. Sansa? Why don’t you take a crack at that?


Fair points. Although sisters they were so unlike it seemed that Sansa was all Tully where Arya was all Stark. The fact that Sansa ended up as the Queen in the North because she bagsied it was laughable but completely in line with her character as portrayed.

And yet of the two Sansa was the more realistic character by far. Arya, this tiny little girl/woman, we were supposed to believe became a super ninja assassin after what was it a year (?) of getting her arse kicked from one end of Braavos to the other by the Waif. And in the end she is the hero of the piece in a ridiculous scene where she comes unseen, somehow from above and out of nowhere to kill the Night King.


She literally flies out of the sky like a superhero. Fucking stupid and the lowest point among an entire season of low points.


That was a very good scene.

It's hard to pick which one I liked more because I saw good things in both characters. But Arya's story is a bit more far-fetched. All that "girl has no name" training was kind of ridiculous and the most redundant part of the entire show. I liked it more when she was with The Hound and Tywin.

Sansa learned how to play the game really well. She was smart but not a "warrior" type like Arya. So, the fact that Sansa didn't kill the NK is not all that surprising. It would have made for a great twist if Sansa did end up killing him though.

At the end of the day, I see them as pretty much the opposite, Sansa's weaknesses are Arya strengths and vice versa. Great characters either way but I probably favor Sansa by just a hair.


Sansa's ego was too big.


Sansa was a bit of an arrogant 'unt, but she was wise in politics. She worked Littlefinger, which is a feat in itself.

Arya was totally unrealistic, but what a great tale of her transformation to a pint-sized badass. I loved her.


It's possible that Sansa was correct, that Arya wouldn't have survived being held prisoner, raped, and tortured, because she'd have found a way to kill Bolton early on and then died in a blaze of glory fighting his thugs.

But Sansa, being the delicate flower she was, had to run away and come back with a couple of armies, and make herself queen!


My friend, I agree with all that you say—not surprisingly, as usual.

You are 1 of the, like, 7 people here whom I still like. It’s a dwindling number.

We both know that “blaze of glory” defines Arya perfectly. Every warrior wants a glorious death. As I write this, it just hit me that Arya and Breanne are the 2 strongest warriors in this story. That is why I love them.


Actually, it's possible that Arya would have been able to kill Bolton and get away, but there's no way she'd have been able to swing coming back with two armies.

Arya thinks like an assassin, Sansa thinks like a politician, which means that Sansa thinks BIG.

PS: Thanks, and likewise!


None of that stuff happened because Game of Thrones died when Tywin got shot. The last 4 seasons were just a corpse shitting itself.


You found a way to save something nasty. How typical of you.
