MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > George R.R. Martin: I Was ‘Out of the Lo...

George R.R. Martin: I Was ‘Out of the Loop’ on Later Seasons of ‘Game of Thrones’


There's a rumor going around that HBO paid a fortune for GRRM's secret outline of the rest of the story... and then changed the ending. That GRRM had planned for Jon to end up king of Westeros.

Maybe that's what the old man is hinting at...


That would have made a lot more sense than what we got.


The totally unverified rumor said that Jon was supposed to end up as king, with a Cersei-free Jamie as his knight commander of the Kingsguard. And that Jon told Jamie that if he ever saw signs of Targaryan madness in Jon, he should do his Kingslayer thing again.

What can I say, it was probably some pissed-off fan making shit up, but that would have been a better ending than the one we got.


We'll just have to see what kind of a mess they make of 'House of the Dragon' won't we. As for George Har Har Martin finishing the last two books. Firstly I'll believe it when I see it and secondly 'A Dance with Dragons' was so bad I have no confidence that the last two books would be worth reading even if they do get published.


I don't think he will ever finish the next book. Martin probably ran out of ideas, but at this point a lot of fans would probably accept anything.
