MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > I just rewatched Lord of the Rings

I just rewatched Lord of the Rings

Now THERE is a fucking movie trilogy (Extended Editions to boot) that knows how to execute a deep, rich, fantasy story CORRECTLY and leave fans SATISFIED!

Not unlike that Game of Thrones piece of shit. Fuck you, Dumb and Dumber.


A shame the Hobbit movies tarnish it's legacy somewhat. But I just ignore them.


Dumb and Dumber did good, until they ran out of George's material and had to rush Season 7 and then take 2 years to make a pathetic Season 8. The show was to be 10-13 seasons. Very unfortunate.

Some people like to say it started downward in Season 5, and although the loss of Tywin at the end of 4 was massive, I disagree--it went downward at the beginning of Season 7.


They were under absolutely no obligation to rush through seasons 7 and 8, especially 8.

HBO would have gladly paid for a few more years of its biggest original hit program, but D&D were tired of it so they just threw away the ending and tarnished everything that had gone before. They are such monumental tools, I hope they never get hired as showrunners again! They have proved themselves unworthy of that level of trust.


For what I heard, star wars called and like a hot model who wants to fu*k you, they dumped their wife quick, sorry baby it's not you it's me.


Oh yeah, Star Wars had called, but I think that project is now on hold.



That was unfortunate timing. Quickest turnaround I saw in a while.


And now, every expensive project in Hollywood is on hold, and TV and streaming series are taking over the world! Good showrunners have to be in high demand!


Who's sorry noooowww!!
Who's sorry noooowww!!!
Who's heart is aching for breaking each vow?
Who's sad and blue?
Who's crying too?
Just like I cried over you

Right to the end
Just like a friend
I tried to warn you somehow
You had your way
Now you must pay
I'm glad that you're sorry now



LOTRS is an excellent trilogy. GOT is not as good, but it's still a very good show.


D&D deserve a lot of flack for their execution, but it's ultimately GRRM's fault for not having a REAL backstory to his world building and cosmology. In the end, the dragons, White Walkers, Night King, Red Witch, Valeryian Steel, etc. were nothing more than a hodgepodge of Fantasy tropes and Dungean & Dragons cliches disguised as historic Medieval European lessons.
