MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Won't even bother watching series 1-7 no...

Won't even bother watching series 1-7 now

Those two fuckin talentless tards ruined this once-great show with 6 woeful and illogical episodes, now I don't even have the enthusiasm to revisit the previous seven series.

It's like grieving for a family member.


It needed to finish being more open ended. There was too much convenient closure on everything for a show this vast on story and characters. Take the White Walkers for example, I think it was a mistake to kill them off. They should have left something of the WW or Night King alive.


Yep. What motivation is there to even watch the upcoming HBO prequels as well, when it all ends in the completely abysmal Season 8 and its half-baked leadup, Season 7?

Restoring the reputation of Thrones could go a long way if done right.
HBO should just hire some new directors and writers, and redo both seasons. 10 Episodes each like the previous 6.
Proper. Properly.


Pointless. It's never happened before in TV history, remaking whole seasons (correct me if I'm wrong). But the point is, even these last two crappy seasons have their fans, and they will bristle at the thought of their beloved episodes being tossed out onto the trash. And if the episodes are redone, it most likely still won't satisfy fans, and will probably make things worse! It's a bit like a second Brexit referendum, in that sense.

Viewers of TV shows should stick to a single rule: DON'T touch a TV show until it is completed and you can see how the ending is rated. THEN, if it's good, watch it.
