I think one should distinct between things you didn’t like because you hoped they’d turn out differently and things that were done badly storywise.
For example: I hated that Missandei got killed, too, because I liked her a lot. But how is her death any more "stupid" (storywisely speaking) than, well, any other death we’ve seen in eight seasons?
There were a lot of flaws, sure, and the "Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting" video that Atreides linked to in antoher thread (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAhKOV3nImQ) works them out beautifully and in an funny way (though not completely unflawed itself), but I do have the feeling that SOME of the harsh criticism roots in being disappointed because things didn’t end the way people hoped for/expected/predicted.
Moreover, I’d be very careful in condemning the showrunners as long as we don’t know which ideas for the ending were theirs, and which things were done because GRRM told them to do so. (Of course, the trouble is that we might never know which are which.)
Just my two cents.