MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Sophie Turner thinks disappointed fans a...

Sophie Turner thinks disappointed fans are "disrespectful"

“People always have an idea in their heads of how they want a show to finish, and so when it doesn’t go to their liking, they start to speak up about it and rebel,” she said. “All of these petitions and things like that — I think it’s disrespectful to the crew, and the writers, and the filmmakers who have worked tirelessly over 10 years, and for 11 months shooting the last season. Like 50-something night shoots. So many people worked so, so hard on it, and for people to just rubbish it because it’s not what they want to see is just disrespectful.”


She I obviously out of touch with the fanbase. I'm just a casual viewer and even I found this final season to be rushed and underwhelming.

She is entitled to her opinion however taking a shot at the fans is never smart.


Sophie, you got paid to do the show. The people watching invested their time and money to be entertained! I figured they would mess up and Dany's character so they could kill her. But Sansa was a spoiled bitch from the beginning and you can't tell me she wasn't on the cusp! Brandon the broken is a perfect metaphor for season 8! We waited two years for this crap no matter how hard you worked. Your worth million. Shut up!


She is wrong. She is young. She is naive. She will learn... or not.


1.6 million
