MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Didn't enjoy Sansa getting crowned

Didn't enjoy Sansa getting crowned

I can't think of a worse person to be given power than someone who pines for power...and Sansa wanted it, she wanted the crown.

Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't she give John some flack when he first returned to Winterfell after she'd been in charge...and he had to repeatedly assure her that he only wanted what was best for their people? And its cool she didn't want to bend the knee to Dany, but she seemed almost catty towards her. Towards the person that'd just saved them all from certain death, and who'd gone out of her way to connect with her, trying to get on her good side. Nope, Sansa wasn't having any of it.

It seems like she had her eye on power for awhile now. And then she's given it...and not a crack of a smile or a nod of appreciation, just a stoic, "You're damn right I'm in charge" look. She looks like someone who takes herself pretty seriously. And after having been abused and powerless for so long, I'm sure she does. This is all about her IMO. And that's not a trait you'd want in a leader.


She'll be another Cersei, the North is ruined with her as their leader. The Noble Stark house will be remembered as a Lannister because of her.


Nah. She is a little power hungry, but she also is faithful to the north. She cares about her people.


My problem with Sansa is that she only used the skills of deception she picked from Littlefinger / Ramsay to attack her own allies.

If her storyline had involved her outmanipulating some bad guys, she’d be more sympathetic.


So true.


She outmanipulated Littlefinger. In my opinion, everything from the moment when Arya handed over the dagger to Sansa after they had a fight, was a deception to lure Littlefinger into revealing what he really wants, which he did by advising her to get rid of Arya.

That’s how I saw, of course I may be wrong.

But what other bad guys were even left at that stage for her to outmanipulate?
I guess it wouldn’t work on the Night King, and Cersei was a thousand miles away.


For what its worth I read that there was a deleted scene where Bran was the one that clued her in to Little Fingers manipulation. Of course if it doesn't make the show, its not part of the show.


She’ll be a merciless terror, feeding her enemies to the dogs of the Winterfell kennels. Bloody Sansa, Queen of the Hounds.


Sansa is completely useless, deserved nothing, and "Show Sansa" sucked after season 4.

I guess they wanted another generic manipulator character so they decided that getting swindled, raped and smacked around a bit can turn a hopelessly romantic, utterly useless, clueless, spoiled princess (after 5 classes of "generic manipulator 101" from Littlefinger of course) into some kind of generic manipulator character who stands with that vague smirk and rattles off lines robotically like they're reading them from a teleprompter.

Season 1-4 Sansa was brilliant because her uselessness was what kept her alive that whole time while all the "players" everyone thought were so awesome were getting slaughtered left, right and centre.

Season 5+ Sansa could have been any other character.


There's nobody to advise her either that we know about. Hopefully she won't become arrogant and place herself above the people too highly, but rather continue an interest in meeting the practical needs of the people. She would ideally be as stoic as her father Ned - just, fair and firm.

I will say her determination to put the North first really embodies and reflects the will of the Northern families, and reflects a wisdom about not investing too much faith in centralised government (a system that has its failings).


Shes just a stupid girl - she said it herself. No way she should be Queen.


I was starting to think she'd somehow end up as Queen of the 6 (er, 7) realms to appease fans who were pissed that Dany got offed. But she got the North after hanging Jon out to dry by flipping his deep secret in 4.5 minutes.


That's kind of where I was far as her motivations. Since its clear that she wanted power, it begs the question of whether or not she let that influence her where John was concerned, and his predicament after killing Dany.
Would Sansa be the type of person who'd really do all that she could to keep John around? Would she have had a problem with him being in charge instead of her?

That goodbye scene on the dock, John is in the process of being forever exiled and reassures her that "they couldn't have picked a better leader" (than her). He's reassuring someone who's going to be very comfortable for the rest of their life, while he ekes out a living in the cold...and meanwhile there's a decent chance that she's relieved he's leaving, and that she may have purposely pussyfooted around when it came to standing up for him. I don't know...I just think Sansa is mostly out for Sansa.


Well, show Sansa was written by the same people who wrote the Dothraki charge. They also wrote that Bran warged into a crow for most of the Battle of Winterfell also that Danaerys forgot about the Iron fleet.

I wouldn't think about the character that much.


That's a really good point. Maybe I just don't like Sansa.
"Bran warged into a crow" LOL


That was probably my favorite scene from the finale. I feel like what she was trying to do since season 6 was to try and protect herself. Before battle of the bastards, Jon told her he would protect her, and she said no, nobody can protect anyone. This season when she went into the crypts, she was completely powerless. She is in a place now where she is surrounded by people loyal to her and sworn to protect her. She built that loyalty over time. And further surrounded by a lot of land. She still knows she's not guaranteed to be protected, but it's about as close as one can get to it.
