MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > I now have zero enthusiasm left for any ...

I now have zero enthusiasm left for any further GoT shows or even the last books.

The last episode just killed my taste for this setting completely. It's as if I'd been enjoying a particular kind of food for years, then one day ate some and it was full of maggots. I don't want any more.


I’ve never heard of a hit show like this..
Where the series finale was so bad, so bad - that it pretty much ruined everything that came before.

Like bad enough, that I literally can not recommend this show (in good faith) to anyone anymore.


The last rushed, condensed season has utterly destroyed the GoT legacy. It could have become a touchstone of modern fantasy fondly remembered for decades, but now I think it will soon be forgotten.


You’re exactly right.


You're wrong.


I'm afraid he's right. This is not like Dexter, where you can just watch the four first seasons. Or like House or X-Files, that are procedural series with independent stories in each episode.

Here there's a single big story from beginning to end. Last two seasons were like the third act in a movie. You screw the third act, that makes the movie hardly rewatchable.



A show with 8 Seasons, that had 4 amazing seasons, & the latter 4 Seasons each being worst than the one before it - does not a great show make...

Huge bummer, because if the 8th/last season would have been great, it could’ve made up for the shortcomings of the previous ones..

Unfortunately the writing just continued it’s downward trend...forever tarnishing one of the best & most epic tv shows ever.




Exactly. This isn't like an episodic show where you can simply skip a bad ep or even disregard the last bad episode. The entire show buit and culminated to its finale and we all watched for this final episode and it is so bad, so unsatisfying, the entire reason to watch is gone. Even the cast thinks so.


Good. Sounds like you were never really satisfied with the show. Leaves more for the rest of us.


But Foebane72, now people won't respect you anymore! Declaring you like Game of Thrones beyond series 4 is simply not done anymore.


I will always like Game of Thrones, no matter what.


If you’re referring to me, you couldn’t be more wrong. My problem is that I truly did like this show...


It's a TV show, not a pizza. Someone not watching doesn't leave you an extra slice.


The books might be better, but who knows if we will ever see them.


Me too. And I was so excited. It made me think of what to expect in future shows. Waited 9 years for this? I doubt the others would be any better.
