MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Arya sails to the west like Frodo sailed...

Arya sails to the west like Frodo sailed West to the undying lands

Sorry little kiddos, but you're no LOTR.


In GRRM's spin off book "Fire and Blood", a history of the Targaryan dynasty, he outlined the stories of a few sailors who sailed into the western seas to see what was there.

They all came to bad ends, including the brilliant and highly independent female mariner who tried it before Arya did.


Oh yeah, I was merely jesting but there's a great Alt Shift X video called 'What's West of Westeros' that is amazingly done. Check it out.


Since when was Arya a master sailor or navigator. It was as easy as "sail west" it would have been done already.
They have seaworthy ships and lots of experience sailing between Westeros and Essos.
What makes her chances of succeeding any better?


Yeah, I don't remember Jaqen H'ghar giving her any seamanship lessons.


She hired a crew. I'm sure they know how to sail the boat.

People from Europe and the Middle East could've sailed west to America long before they did. Hell, the ancient Greeks could've done it. What was the main motivation for eventually mounting voyages of exploration? Profit. The promise of shorter trade routes and rumors of fabulous riches in this mysterious new land across the sea.

Arya has the luck to be well funded by her family so she can set off on a journey simply to see what's there. A long ocean voyage always involves risk. Just because others have tried and failed doesn't mean she won't succeed. Actually I was kind of hoping the final shot would be of her ship with land on the horizon in front of her.
