MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > How would you rank this season amongst t...

How would you rank this season amongst the worst final seasons of all time?

I rank it below the final season of lost.

Usually TV series go through a gradual decline in their later seasons, and I stop watching before they end. For example Dexter, True Blood, the original V series. I hated the Walking Dead from the first season.

But most of the time TV series are not really headed anywhere in particular anyway, so the decline is just kind of inevitable as the idea of the show runs out of steam. It doesn't really affect your enjoyment of the early seasons.

Game of thrones is kind of unique in the abruptness of its decline. Granted, the cracks were already showing in season 6, but that was still a great season. And season 7 and 8 are 13 episodes in total, so really they are barely more than a season in total episodes. The Winds of Winter has a 9.9 rating on IMDB. It had a geniunely shocking event that you may not have seen coming, important characters died. It was built up to through 2 whole seasons.

Then a mere 9 episodes later the show has degenerated into its current farce. I really can't think of anything that compares to this abrupt collapse in quality.


I'm not sure if there is anything to compare it to. I loved the early seasons of Walking Dead then it turned to complete crap. But that show was never building to any kind of conclusion so while the decline was frustrating and disappointing it's not quite as bad as what happened with Game of Thrones.
With Game of Thrones I noticed the decline starting in season 5 but I still liked seasons 5 and 6. Season 7 had it's faults but I thought it was building towards something big in season 8 so I accepted it. Season 8 sucking in such an epic way is probably unprecedented.


Dexter final season was not that bad. It would have been a decent season for a lesser series, and 7th season was actually quite good. The arc with Isaak was as good as the early ones.

There was a drop in quality, sure, but not that big.


Jon Snow ending up a lumberjack in the Haunted Forest would probably be a better ending than what D&D is planning.


Game of Thrones is not, and will never be as bad as Lost. At least Game of Thrones has a plot.


It's probably going to be up there with Lost


Unfortunately D&D kept using the "Subverting Expectations" formula defying all logic behind the buildup in the last seasons. They start with obliterating Daenerys Targaryen's fleet of ships and her new allies in Westeros making Cersei the Sun Tzu of the seven Kingdoms (yeah right !), force a stupid subplot of kidnapping a walking dead from beyond the wall to again convince the lying treacherous Cersei !

Tyrion and Varys are supposed to be way smarter than what was shown after joining Daenerys Targaryen but they keep giving her the worst advises ever to defeat Cersei considering both know Cersei better than anyone in the Seven Kingdoms but no D&D got to subvert expectation and destory everthing because they think that's what GoT is about...Heros losing and dying like idiots.


Show has been the same quality since Tywin and Joffrey died.


In all honesty, I cant think of a single show that measures up to this cataclysmic trainwreck. I always used the final episode of the Sopranos as the benchmark for sheer shittydom, but at least the rest of the season was good. It's just the final episode that sucked.

What we have here instead is one long steaming pile of horseshit that never meant anything and rendered the entire rest of the series pointless. Never have I seen a show commit suicide quite like this in my life.


Go try to watch Under the Dome past the first few episodes.


Yeah, but Under the Dome was *never* good.
