That dragons can breath fire. Fire hot enough to melt stone. After dodging the bolts is there any reason she didn't burn Euron's fleet? A couple of breaths and that fleet would be destroyed. Hr ships would be intact, Missandi wouldn't have been captured. They took Raegal off guard while he was already injured. To kill Drogon they would have needed to reload the balistas and aim at a moving target that is aware of them.
Euron's plot hole 1000 ship fleet apparently has the ability to do 360 degrees in the water keeping Scorpion-attack Ballistae trained on dragons at all times unfortunately. I hate how they introduced that character, completely out of the blue and then built his thousand ship empire from no trees on the Iron Islands, and now it has killed a dragon.
First the quest to convince Cersei kills a dragon, and now Euron kills a dragon. I wonder if Qyburn will get to kill Drogon? It's so frustrating to watch and it pisses me off.
But she had more than enough opportunity to release dragon fire on them between reloads. She also seemed to be charging at them head on without having any intention on burning the crap out of them.
And apparentlye Euron's fleet has some stealth shroud that prevents even dragons flying high in the air from being able to spot them until they have gotten off several ballista shots.
Yup, that and Daenerys' fleet has been ambushed 3 times now, yet they never learn:
1) Daenerys Fleet carrying Lady Sand and Yara Greyjoy forces from Dragonstone to Dorne ambushed by Euron.
2) Greyworm's Casterly Rock fleet ambushed by Euron.
3) Daenerys Fleet carrying Unsullied from White Harbor to Dragonstone ambushed by Euron.
No lookouts, no scout ships, no preparation of any kind despite the fact they are fully aware Euron is going up and down the Narrow Sea and Westerosi coastline with a thousand ships, and then they're surprised that Missandei gets captured. Come on.
I basically interpreted it as “this is where brute force and ignorance gets you”. We could see how impatient Dany was in the meeting, and got angry with those that suggested she wait so they could regroup, recover and plan. Add to that her hubris due to thinking the dragons made her invincible...
I think more puzzling is the fact that neither Tyrion nor Sam tried to find some kind of a book on dragon warfare. I mean, I doubt this was the first time Valyrian dragon riders came against field\siege artillery. There should be manuals.
Or how about just common sense? Dragons are not trams - they don't need to fly head on into danger. Go up and around and burn the fleet from behind. Same goes for those engines on the towers.
the whole thing is ridiculous. Telescopes exist in this world. She can fly above the clouds. She can fly so high that they can't see her. She can use a telescope. Why can't she use a saddle !? Saddles exist in this world. Let them dragons drop rocks on the ships below