MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > So is Arya going to win the throne?

So is Arya going to win the throne?

At this point why not? Apparently she can do anything!


Make Westeros Great Again! Vote for Arya!!!


I'm hoping she gets killed or captured by the Faceless Men in the few last scenes of Game Of Thrones, or that the Faceless Men kill those close to her.


I used to think the Faceless Men were going to come for her, but I'm less sure of that now. I think that last death where she swapped out the face of that girl she killed evened it up.


I think she will become Winterfell's chief of security.


How about this for an ending?

Jon ends up on the throne. He actually gets rid of Daenerys during the battle, by abandoning her when she needs help and letting her be killed. Later Jon is getting ready for his coronation, having one last look in the mirror before he heads out to the throne room, and just for a few moments we see it's not really him, but Jaqen the Faceless Man.

Then we get a long video montage. Jaqen watching Arya at Ned Stark's execution. He helps her out in a few low key ways so her escape is successful. He tails her all the way until they bump into each other by "accident" and he gives her the coin. We see him in various places. In the North, at King's Landing, in Meereen, at the Citadel, never front and center but giving things a little tap in the right direction when needed. Making sure key information lands in the right hands at the right time. Manipulating people into doing exactly what he needs them to do.

We get to see Jaqen at all sorts of events. Adding his own poison to the cake when Olenna Tyrell's agent fails to gain access (which is why Olenna was surprised at how gruesome Joffrey's death was). Helping the mutineers at Castle Black by distracting men that might've helped Jon. We see he was the servant girl standing next to Arya while she pretended to be Walder Frey and poisoned his men. We watch him hand Sansa's letter to Littlefinger at Winterfell. And so on. He was playing everybody all along, directing things to his own plan. At some point after Cersei's forces have nearly been defeated Jaquen makes his move. Looking like one of their allies he gets the drop on Jon, kills him, takes his place, disposes of Dani.

Then we come back to the present, 'Jon' sitting on the Iron Throne in front of a cheering crowd, looking over at Arya and muttering under his breath "A girl has done well. Very well." Evil smirk. The end.

That's the craziest twist ending I could come up with on short notice. Other ideas?
