MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > really good and subverted expectations, ...

really good and subverted expectations, but...

1: I thought it'd be even more of a massacre, and that we'd probably lose at least two A characters, not just a bunch of B characters (who I did still love)

2: I'm generally happy to take whatever writers give us. I often find that people who don't are just grumpy their theories were wrong. I'm not typically like that. However, I kind of thought the battle of Winterfell was set for Episode 3 so that the Army of the Dead could continue their inexorable march south. I expected we'd see them descend on King's Landing. Now just back to politics as usual. Felt a little anticlimactic in that regard, though I am excited now to see what happens, especially since I was wrong.


Well, until Bran's eyes turn blue ;)


1. I thought Samwell was done for at one point, suffocating under a pile of bodies as Jon nearly did in the Battle of the Bastards, but both recovered.
2. I loved it when I first saw it, but I realise there are issues with it, like where did Arya come from when Bran and the Night King were surrounded by wights? And was it really a case of just killing the Night King to "Phantom Menace" the entire wight army? I did say a long time ago that this could be an issue, and it turned out to be true. Then again, the massive size of the wight army was much more than our heroes could handle, especially when our slain heroes and even the bodies in the Winterfell crypt were re-animated! There was only one way it really could go.


Yeah but pretty much every character appeared to be done for at some point. They make it seem like the typical White Walker can each take out one Dothraki/Unsullied/whoever at a time with no problem, except we see our main characters each backed in a corner and holding off half a dozen, albeit struggling. Not realistic.

Arya, I think she ran off after what Melisandre say to her about blue eyes. I think we have to assume that the Stark siblings have told each other enough of their stories offscreen that Arya was able to surmise the Night King would go after Bran. She found a high hiding spot and waited, let Theon try first so she could have a better idea of how an attack would go.

It did seem quite bleak until then, about halfway through I told my friend I watch with "I don't see the tides turning and having a happy ending here," was expecting at best that maybe a few would manage to hide, escape, later reunite. But I thought Thrones was getting back to its miserable roots and was really going to let most of the characters die. Which really would've been cool since we know there are only three episodes left anyway. But still excited for whatever's to come.


No one was fighting the White Walkers, they were behind the lines watching the Wights (re-animated undead) fight the living. They kinda showed up at the end with the Night King when going after Bran.


Sam fucking Tarly, of all people! Are you fucking kidding me LOL. He was out in the open!! There were hundreds of them!!! They overran the castle. He should have been 9000% dead, dead and dead. All the people out in the open should have been dead.


I was hoping we lose ALL of the A-characters except maybe Jon and Daenerys... GRR once said smth like: 'At the end of my final book you will see only graves and dust.' So... this didn't happen, unfortunately.


Well, if they all died, what would happen in the next three episodes? Cercei partying for two episodes and in the last one a repeat of the Night Kings army killing everyone? That would be kind of boring. I’d rather have them go back to plotting.
And the season is less than half over (time wise, not episodes), so there is plenty of time for those who want to see more people die to see more people die...
Personally I was saddened by those deaths- they might have been B-characters in your eyes, but they where not to those close to them. And Jora snd Theon at least where pretty much just as important as Bryanne, Jamie, Sam etc ... 🤷‍♀️


OK, I'll just hold my hopes high and wish more A-characters will be raped, tortured and killed by the end of the season. I could hope for Jon and Daenerys to die as well but that will probably never happen ((


It can be both. I consider Jorah and Theon both B characters. But I loved them and cried for them both


Yup, I did too. I thought it was a very intense episode. Honestly, I don’t understand why people cry for characters to be perfect, logical, all knowing in a show that has portrayed since episode one how flawed and stupid humans (and non humans) are and how dumb their plans can be when scared and mentally and physically drained 🤷‍♀️ If every plan would be great and nobody flawed it would have been boring, unrealistic and over after the first couple of episodes 😆


It is because it is supposed to end like lord of the rings. Everyone is long dead except maybe Sam, who wrote the book.


Good point! Sam has one distinctive common feature with GRRM! Maybe two!


a great tension filled episode, but the picture was much too dark, and not enough main characters died. Not that I wanted to kill them off, but in a battle that bloody odds are that more would have bought it. For a fantasy show, GoT has gone for realism. Glenn-type-dumpster escapes are okay once in a while, but not several in the same episode.
