Yup, Arya should have died.
shareIt was a real possibility but split second reflexes saved her.
In a way she was in equal opponent being as she is a master of assassination, a bringer of death on the unwary.
YOU should die!!
Sorry, I just....we've been through a lot together here, emotions are running high. Plus I hate you, etc.
yea kinda anticlimax, was expecting someone would turn into Azor Ahai and defeat the night king in an epic battle
shareNot only did it end in one battle but they didn't even explain why the battle happened. What did the white walkers want? Why didn't they finish everyone else off before attempting to kill Bran. Why did they even want to kill Bran so much?
shareThey did explain in the previous episode..... the NK wanted to erase all memories of Westeros which Bran have
shareThat's true, Sam and Bran talked about that in the previous episode. Still weird though. Night King waits a thousand or so years to do this and he can't wait 5 more minutes for his army to win the battle before trying to kill Bran.
It seems like this part of the story was relevant. He wants to wipe out humanity either way. Bran didn't need to be a priority. Night King eventually would have gotten to him.
well they have more or less won, winterfell is overrun with undead so cant fault the NK for letting his guard down.
See Robb's story, that was also a red herring, which is a ballsy move I think. But I agree that we still know nothing about the Others' motives or culture.
shareAll that buildup for a foe that can be killed by a little girl with a daggar. At the very least, if they were going to go down that road, they should have had some Arya POV. How she got from the Keep to the Godswood and what she had to overcome to get there. You know, instead of just having her appear out of thin air to kill the supposed biggest baddie of the show at the penultimate moment. A classic Deus ex machina
shareAnd how did none of the other White Walkers not notice her? She just came in from the top rope and killed the Night King. I was sort of hoping he choked her out and then he killed Bran. I think we all knew the army of the undead wasn't going to win, but the NK died so easily.
shareWhat does it matter? The writing sucks since season 5 so it's hardly relevant anymore. It's like McDonald’s creating a great burger and changes it for pure salted fat after a couple of years. But still uses the same sauce so most people won't care or remain ignorant of the quality.
shareShe used stealth to blend in with the surroundings is my guess.
shareYes, and they allude to this back in Episode 1 when she reunites with Jon. But I wish they maybe had had a couple more very brief scenes where -- just like with the White Walker at the end -- someone feels something and turns to look, or something moves, just a little, that shouldn't necessarily. (Or maybe even just, in the very beginning when they do the "Previously on GOT," show the scene with Jon asking how she sneaked up on him) The way it wouldn't have seemed so Arya ex Machina. I don't have a problem with her doing the killing, but she literally comes out of nowhere.
shareOne of the white walker lieutenants felt swift movement right before Arya jumped the Night King.
shareYou do see a quick shot of one of the White Walkers hair being blown in the air from Aria moving by him quickly. Which is what tipped the Night King off, I think?
shareI think that was more for the viewer? The quick hair movement gave us a sense something was going to happen. The NK is so powerful I think he sense Arya coming. I sort of wish he just choked her out. The main villain of the series dies, just like that.
shareI know... The way the show built the Night King up throughout 7 seasons. Plus having Jon Snow from season4 on, always saying things like “you’re battles for the throne me nothing compared to the NK” made it seem like the dead/Night King were the main villain. But now it looks like Cersi was right to ignore it all. No big deal.
I agree it was kind of lame episode and too dark to watch, I could not see half the battle.
sharetoo dark to watch, I could not see half the battle.
It felt like they blew their load a little early with this episode. I was somewhat expecting the foe of the Night King to stretch to the last episode and not be wiped out 3 episodes in, and in that way as well. Unless there is some twist in the tale but that seems unlikely now.
shareDAMN IT: not every great story has a “twist”! There’s no “twist” in King Lear or Moby-Dick or Conan the Barbarian. If you need a “twist” in order to be happy, prepare to be disappointed. The “twist” is the refuge of the bankrupt storyteller, like M. Knight Sham. Truly great storytelling is of-a-piece and completely straightforward.
shareI didn't say I needed or wanted a twist, I'm just imagining a possibility they could keep the Night King character from being dead.
What's done is done now but I personally would have liked him last a little longer in this final season.