Why are they trying to retroactively fix Sansa?
In episode 1 of this season they took two of the most liked characters of the show and had them declare Sansa as smart (smartest Arya knows even), and greatly underestimated while she was in King's landing. Both of these things contradict how Sansa has been represented on the show. Then in the 2nd episode, Danny actually compares their struggles and declares them both impressive females that handle power well.
This isn't a "I hate Sansa" post, as much as I am genuinely confused why the writers are going through this trouble. At this point we have most likely made up our mind about her, and sorry, but she is not a strong character, she is not an impressive leader, and she has not proven to be anywhere near smart in the show. They can write her this way going forward, but she was a very stupid, easily manipulated, and weak person for almost the entire show run.
Maybe this is a sign of where the show is going to end up? If feels like the writers are planning for her to be a major part of the transformed kingdom.