MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > What do the White Walkers want?!

What do the White Walkers want?!

For all the time spent on the coming "war" with them and their wights, we've never actually gotten any inkling or been told what their GOAL is!!

Are we supposed to just know, or do you think this could end up covered next season? I wonder if the Night King will speak.


Honestly, I'd like to know this as well. They are possibly the best kept secret throughout the show and always been so mysterious. There is almost very less explored about their past, origins, intentions etc.

For an enemy who have been hyped throughout the show, I think their lore needs to be given a better presentation. For anyone who have read the books, how much of it has George Martin covered?


They want to see the rest of the world , its so boring right up there with everything covered in show, who wouldnt want to leave for greener pastures?


that's a good question but maybe its better if they just want to bring Death down south for the sake of it.


Didn't those weird wood children create the White Walkers in the first place because Man was spoiling nature or something? And they just happened to lose control of them?


As I understand it, they were created as a living weapon system to fight against man (who was systematically stealing their land and killing them). Since the whitewalkers retained free will they eventually stopped following orders and rebelled. The children of the forest had to team up with humans to beat them and drive them back into the north. Apparently the war ended in some kind of negotiated settlement. The wall was built as a territorial fence and the Night's Watch set up to guard it. The first Lord Commander actually married a female whitewalker as part of the treaty, and some kind of arrangement was made to provide newborns to the whitewalker kingdom north of the wall so they wouldn't die off.

At some point the Night's Watch rose up and killed their Lord Commander and his wife. Then magic was added to the wall to keep the walkers and reanimated dead from ever getting through. All this was a betrayal of the agreement. Over thousands of years the whitewalker population declined until there were no more sightings and they were believed extinct. Humans started to illegally settle north of the wall without suffering any attacks. Somehow they came into conflict with the Night's Watch (who may have tried removing the illegal settlements and it turned into a long running blood feud). But the walkers weren't gone. The Night King seemed to know another long winter was coming and had some kind of plan to break past the wall when it did. Which is about the point where the show begins.

I don't remember exactly where I saw this summary - I've never read the books myself. But as far as I know, this is the basic historical outline.


Wait, there are female Whitewalkers!? Did he bang her, or was it purely a political union?


Don't know for sure. But one of the theories I've seen is that their surviving children (the ones old enough to escape from the Night's Watch) are the ancestors of House Stark. Hence their preference for the frozen north and their connection to wolves, they have some whitewalker blood in them. The summary did kinda imply that the first Lord Commander and his wife both had very twisted sexual tastes and habits; big shocker, it wasn't a lovey-dovey kind of union. Their behavior was enough to disgust the Night's Watch and provoke the uprising. Well that and the deliveries of human children to be turned. When you think about it, with the things Arya does it's not that hard to believe she has a whitewalker ancestor in her family tree.


Makes sense. I guess that's where Wargs come from too.


Could be. Or you could've had a few (probably forbidden) marriages between humans and children of the forest, and the ability has come down through their bloodlines.



alternate answer: to be loved...


If the Night King does speak I'd like him to say "Ice to see you"


It's kind of like asking what Skynet wants. They were created and the creators lost control. All the rest is mechanical.


Skynet wanted control, and humans couldn't be controlled so they had to go.

The whitewalkers may want the same thing. My money is on the Night King trying to seize the Iron Throne and establish an empire in Westeros where the human population is subjugated to serve their needs. But whatever their goal is, they're not mindless like the wights. That one walker saw Sam - stared straight at him - then led his army by without going after him. Clearly the objective isn't as simple as killing all humans. The walker decided Sam had no potential to impede their progress and just ignored his presence.
