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The "I Told You So" season finale thread!

Let's all take a moment to congratulate ourselves for correctly guessing shocking developments before they came along! I myself predicted that:

The Wall is coming down. The Night's Watch will disband when this is all over, BTW.

That if Cersei could ever be convinced the Others exist, she'd use them to destroy Danerys and the rebellious North rather than fight them herself.

Jon and Dany will fall in love.

That Sansa would become the Lady of the North, and that Arya would back her up. Jon's isn't going to rule the North in the long term.



Spoilers STOP READING- Yeah Otter it all fell into place (for the most part)
I did not expect Littlefinger to go out like a crybaby whiner... I actually gasped out loud like a goofball when he got is well earned desserts...
Great finale


littlefinger went out like a little bitch! I expected more debate, more cunning, more bargaining, more deal making. he just snivelled and begged.
but sansa I luvvv youuuu


He did exactly what I thought he would do. I said it on Thrones Amino LOL!


Pretty much predicted the same things, though I predicted the entire wall would be destroyed at the same time, not just Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, still I am very impressed...

To put it in perspective, the plan to convince Cersei ultimately resulted in Viserion's conversion into a Frost Dragon, and Cersei betrays everyone anyways. Season 8 is going to be about Jon (Aegon) & Dany fixing those errors, or die trying, lol.

One of my oldest predictions was that Jon & Dany would have sex and that is when the wall would come down. /pat on back.


I personally thought the wall should have came down at the end of season 6. But this makes sense too.


Viserion was not a total loss though. Dany finally stopped talking about the Iron Throne and now Jaime has left Cersei.


I do my best not to guess major plot developments, because it's more fun to find out as it goes. Of course, some things are obvious to the point of absurd, like Jon and Daenerys getting together, so you can't help but see certain things coming.

I did have a feeling that Littlefinger was nearing his end, though. I thought it was odd the whole time how he was hanging around in Winterfell despite the hostile reception he got from literally everyone there. You'd think he of all people would have seen where this was going and gotten his ass out of there. There's no reason why he couldn't have rejoined team Cersei. Frankly I was disappointed. Not at how he fell apart as he was about to die (as another user explained, Littlefinger's strength was in scheming and manipulation, not open confrontation, as he himself has admitted), but at how he wasn't smart enough to see what was about to happen. Littlefinger was one of those characters who was built up all series, and I thought his end should have been smarter than it was.


Maybe it's his arrogance that did him in. Or he still thought Sansa was still a bit on the stupid side. Either way, good riddance to him.


Littlefinger is one of those people who has talked his way into (and out of) every situation imaginable. He's been doing it all his life, and never lost confidence for a moment in his ability to keep on doing it. When he seemed to have Sansa doubting Arya and possibly considering deposing Jon I'm sure he didn't doubt it was working yet again. Suddenly being confronted with a conspiracy against him with everyone knowing all his sleazy little secrets and having nothing to say in his own defense, that was a first. As an overconfident schemer this is the one situation you're unprepared for and, in your arrogance, honestly never expect to face. He had that trademark subtle smirk on his face right up until the moment Sansa said his name.


Exactly! He didn't anticipate Bran, that's where he messed up. He had no idea who Arya is now. He thought he had Sansa in his back pocket and could keep manipulating her! He was wrong!


"There's no reason why he couldn't have rejoined team Cersei"

Team Cersei is obviously the losing side. And Team Danerys is run by Tyrion and Varys, who hate him.

I've been wondering why the hell he's been hanging out in Winterfell when he has nothing to gain by being there, I finally decided he must be waiting out the War of Two Queens seeing which side wins and then either dealing with them or trying to take them down. I told him that was a bad move, there's no way on Earth Sansa would come around after what she's been through, and trying to turn the Starks against each other was bound to backfire.


Without reading leaks, I predicted that Littlefinger is doomed cause there was nothing left for him to do. He was a type of person that thrives in a capital city where he can plot and scheme among other plotters and schemers. That's right up his alley. He doesn't do well in province where people are honest and forthcoming. And with a big war coming there's no place left for his kind. I hope they burned his body, just in case.


I was pretty sure Sam was going to Winterfell because it would take Sam + Bran to work out that Jon was the true heir.
