MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > I don't really understand or buy into Ar...

I don't really understand or buy into Arya's weird behavior.

She is so quick to attack Sansa and blame her ... he own sister. Has she gone crazy or is this just phony sounding?


I don't get Arya either. She hasn't really done anything this season. She's going to have to either do something really big next week or they will wrap her faceless man story line up somehow next year.


Arya's whole story doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and especially that physically threatening move she made towards Sansa ... what is that going to accomplish except get her killed on kill her relationship with her sister? I wonder if 3 episodes down the line they go back and explain stuff we don't know now ... which makes the whole point of following her story this far just a waste of time. I don't like it.


She extermiated House Frey...that was pretty much something...


On the one hand she has become a bloodthirsty mass murderer and she never seemed to like Sansa anyway but on the other hand it's just not ringing true.

Sansa's kind of hot though, right?


Bloodthirsty mass-muderer..?
She is maybe a bit 'warped' but she has been focused on killing all of the creeps that took down her family...i see these 'Arya is a psycho' posts all over the' net and i strongly disagree...she is 100% correct to murder all the people that broke up her family and lopped off her daddy's head


She blames Sansa for her fathers death.. so by that logic, of course she is going to be aggressive to her. Judging by her past behaviour, she probably would have killed Sansa if she wasn't family!


And yes...Sansa is easy on the eyes lol


She has good reasons but you can't deny she is a mass murderer and she is kind of bloodthirsty.


With all due respect there is a huge world war going on...i think the kid is totally right to lay waste to the crew that caused House Stark so much trouble...even cooler (imo) that shes just a skinny little kid
I deny she is a psycho-killer...she is doing her best to avenge her people


I said she had valid reasons to kill. I never said she was a psycho but she IS a mass murderer. She literally killed people en masse at the beginning of this season.


Yup...and every one of those Frey shitheads needed to be wiped out
Good for Arya!


Killing the Freys was not murder:

1. The North is at war with the Lannisters and their bannermen, the Freys. Killing your enemies during war is not murder. All's fair in love and war, baby.

2. When the system is sufficiently corrupt, there is no legitimate law, and therefore no murder. The "law" here was the very people who murdered her family, so for Arya there is no legitimate authority in Westeros. If you acknowledge ancient tradition as law, then killing guests under your roof is murder, so Arya is justified in taking blood vengeance against those who murdered her relatives.

3. Many jurisdictions would find her not guilty for a number of technical reasons: She is still a minor, who has been subjected to severe physical and psychological trauma. She believes she is divinely ordained to carry out the justice of the Nameless God. She believes she has the legal right to take revenge on the Freys.


Arya's not a soldier. That killing your enemies isn't murder thing only applies to soldiers. I have no problem with her doing it but stop with the ridiculous semantics already

Your creepy crush on a little girl aside, Arya has killed a shit load of people so no matter how you try to spin it the girl is a mass murderer.


"killing your enemies isn't murder thing only applies to soldiers"
Arya is very much a soldier. A sworn enemy of the Lannisters and Freys. Why would you think she's not a soldier?

"creepy crush on a little girl"
Not sure where you're getting this, but it's misplaced. Then I looked at your posting history and realized you spend a LOT of time calling people names and making petulant remarks.


Arya was testing Sansa and believes her by giving her the knife. Sansa caught in a tough spot and handled it well. Time for Littlefinger to die and the sisters can hopefully move on.



Hope so


I think it is to throw Littlefinger off her scent. If she pretends Sansa is her target, esp. by acting the way she is towards Sansa, Littlefinger will never see her coming.


That makes sense, but is he that stupid, I mean the guy is a master of subterfuge


The show has a tendency to dumb down a character in order to have them killed off. The did that with Roose Bolton and the High Sparrow, two characters who suddenly became stupid to allow them to be taken down.


If they will kill off lilfinger, man I'm out.


I don't get it either. Arya is definitely being a creeper these last few episodes, episode 6 most of all. I hope that she's faking, just trying to get a reaction or something, but I don't have any evidence other than their weak sisterly bond.


Milsean75. This makes sense. Maybe Arya is smarter than we think? It could be a ploy to throw Littlefinger off a bit.

I also think it could be that Arya never thought Sansa had any toughness to her since she only wanted to be a queen and wear nice dressed. She doesn't fully understand what Sansa went through.


I'm not Milsean, lol, but we did post similar things.

Arya definitely doesn't understand what Sansa went though. Maybe if they actually sat down and talked, told each other what happened since they last saw each other?


Well, there is the possiblity that with all the trauma, turmoil and violence she has met with in her travels that she has been driven crazy. There is also the short interaction she had with Hotpie? where she was not exactly friendly. I just do not like it because it has not been really set up or explained and to me that is not very good writing. But then this last episode with all the lucky breaks pretty much pushes the limit anyway. This is turning Arya into something less than a character we have sympathy for, she seems crazy.


I hope not, but she could be...

Also, I thought she was pretty nice to Hot Pie.

The writing has definitely suffered without the books to go by.


Arya learned not to show emotions or let her guard down, but the scenes on the road were meant to show she cannot hide her true self. In the scene with Hot Pie, the camera zooms in on her face when she is acting deadpan. They are wanting us to pay attention to her facial expressions, because later she changes dramatically when she learns Jon is alive. We also see the real Arya when she decides not to kill the Lannister soldiers, the Nymeria scene, the end of the crypt scene with Sansa, and after she spars with Brienne. The reason for giving this screen time is probably related to how the conflict with Sansa is resolved.

The scenes with Sansa in the latest episode, she is trying to find out if Sansa is working with Littlefinger to take power away from Jon, so she is pushing her buttons a bit. She knows how the Sansa from season 1 would react, but now she sees Sansa has grown and changed since then.


Honestly hated the last episode because of her, don't know if it's like someone said here to throw Littlefinger off or she is just being that easily to trick.


Think what you will of Arya, but Maisie Williams is awesomely smart as a young actress. Do you honestly think she would tolerate the writers demeaning her character? Arya is meant to be cunning as a serpent, and it is clear that Maisie knows that. Plus, the subtlety of her facial expressions, e.g., the scene with Hot Pie, make Sophie Turner look like a rock.


> Do you honestly think she would tolerate the writers demeaning her character?

Are you kidding? The last thing a young aspiring actor or actress needs is the
reputation of being hard to work with. That will kill a career dead very fast.

They do not tell the characters what the story arc is going to be for good reason,
so their jobs are basically to do they best they can as actors and leave the writing
to the writers.


She's just at that age.


That's what I said - it's a phase.

They grow out of it...
