MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > The Night King is a Baller - SPOILERS

The Night King is a Baller - SPOILERS

There are more logic flaws to the narrative in episode 6. I'm just trying to ignore them and enjoy myself. But one question I have is:

Is the Night King just fucking around with Jon Snow and co.? Does he possibly need him for something? He could have thrown that ice spear at any of them before the dragons came, so why didn't he?

I suppose that also begs the question, why not throw the first spear at Drogon on land rather than Viserion in the air when he took the initial shot? The only rationalization I could come up with is that Drogon's tail was more faced at him and he didn't have a clean shot at his neck, and even if he did, that leaves two other dragons in the air that may have spotted him and blew some fire up his ass.

In any case, the NK is the ballsiest guy in the 7 kingdoms. Three dragons and he's just like, "come at bro"


I just saw someone post this on reddit. This makes things a bit easier to swallow

YellowBari [score hidden] 16 minutes ago
After rewatching the episode a second time, I noticed that the NK didn't really have a clean shot at Drogon's heart (which was the area he was clearly looking to strike for good reason) as its wing was obscuring the target area. The NK instead waited for Viserion to fly in his direction so he could get a clean shot at its heart.

Furthermore, I don't think the NK really cared about Jon or any of the other humans all that much since he probably could've killed them at any moment before the dragons showed up if he really wanted.

I think it was the dragons he was actually after the whole time. He somehow knew they would come (he seems to have some Sight-like abilities as he demonstrates in S6) and used Jon and his companions pretty much as bait to lure the dragons there.


Yass!! He'll use undead Viserion to break the Wall.


Sounds like that's exactly what will happen in the final episode.


is that how dragons die? viserion looked like he burst into flames. man dany's face when he went down was... just wow what an episode. I think HBO is leaking these episodes on purpose cause i'll definitely rewatch on sunday


Dragons are fire made flesh. When the flames came out of the wound it was like blood gushing out of his body. I'm guessing he's going to breath blue flame now and bring down the wall now that he's an ice dragon.


LOL yeah, I'd go watch this on IMAX.
