MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Does no one die anymore? (here be spoile...

Does no one die anymore? (here be spoilers)

I loved the battle and I like this season! But. Major/beloved characters biting it is one of GoT defining characteristics. I've come to enjoy the utter shock and I expect for people to die. Important people. Not the damn Sand Snakes.

It seems to me (or my memory has already betrayed me) that no major character has died this season.

Now, Jaime is still under question, but I really thought that was going to be it for Bronn when that Dothraki was chasing him. Or when the dragon was flying towards him. But nope... (I know Bronn isn't an important character per se, but I still would've been sad to see him die).

Does this bother anyone else? (all of it, not just the Bronn bit)


I expect Littlefinger will bite it by the end of the season. His machinations are irrelevant and will be ineffective on the Starks at this point.


I sure hope he bites it! I've never been too fond of him, but he's really started to irritate me.


Somebody big will die in the last two always happens. Btw, Lady Tyrell died last week....she is pretty big if you ask me. Jamie won't die because he is a major star. Bronn might die because like you said, he is no big deal.


Yes, I forgot about Olenna! I don't know if they'd kill Bronn now, but you never know... And you're right, someone big always dies at the end of the season, so there's time still.


They'll start again soon. Really, the show killing main characters was just kind of something we were tricked into believing, I think. They used to kill major ones, such as Ned, but that was of course planned and so he had no real story left. So that happened a few times, where a character was set to be main, then they died. Planned to make us expect that. Then, pretty much after Joffrey died, it stopped. Characters we'd known since the beginning got too much plot armor where we know they won't die until at least toward the end, like Arya, Jon, Cersei. Meanwhile, they introduced other characters, made them big, and set them up for death, so they could still keep killing "big" characters without it actually being any "main" ones, such as Oberyn. But now that we're heading into the home stretch, I think we'll get more surprise deaths again. But, yeah, when they're at the end like this, not so shocking as if something randomly killed them in Season 5 or something.
