MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Daenerys and Cersei will die

Daenerys and Cersei will die

The Lannisters will attack and wreck Dany's caravan, but without Cersei's death, and when the two dies, Jaime, the King-Slayer, the man who killed Dany's father, and defeated the Mad King's daughter (he might be merciful and let her live to be raped by the soldiers or put in the dungeon there to stay forever), and the brother to Cersei, will become rightful king with King's Landing's support, both from the people and many of the lords.

The Lannisters will absorb Dany's caravan and kill many of the Unsullied and Dothraki. Jaime will pardon Tyrion and accept him into the family along with most of Dany's trusted when they bend the knee.

Jon Snow, who doesn't have any problem with either Tyrion nor Jaime, will ask to ally in order to defeat the white walkers. Then Jon Snow might become the Lord of the North and Winterfell and Jaime as King of the Seven Kingdoms. That's how it's going to be.

Until season 8 when Arya kills Jaime and Jon learns of his heritage and become the king of King's Landing.


Tripe...utter horse shat!


It seems to me you forgot a little something in your plot.

Hint: Starts with an "A" and ends with "rmy of the Dead marching south".


I laughed out loud at that!


You must be new to the Internet! How do you manage to speak and sound like an out-of-date 78-year-old who just received his first pasokon? I bet you don't even know what a "pasokon" is...

Your comment is entirely immaterial. It holds no water in IMDb where actual productive posts are more valued.




He mentioned White Walkers but forgot to mention dragons. Dragons are more than just overgrown pets. They can conquer kingdoms if used properly. So Dany still has that one card up her sleeve and not all is lost. Those big crossbows can hit a dragon only by accident, or if a dragon is standing still. They are too heavy, not maneuverable enough and useless against the moving target.


fairly certain he added the white walkers after atarimaster pointed out the glaring omission,but whatever...his prediction read like a season of 'game of thrones:svu'


He did.



Oh, so asking the Lannisters for help is enough to beat the army of the dead.
Stupid me!


Isn't that what Jon Snow's initiative has been the whole time he set his foot on Dragonstone? Stupid him?

Lannisters has an army. So does Jon Snow, and Dany has one too. By Jon Snow's own words, if they don't ally and stop being children of a children's game and defeat a common enemy, there won't be any to be kings or queens of other than graveyards. Did you not watch the episode?

Therefore, their alliance is obvious.


Yes, I know that Jon Snow’s looking for allies.
And of course I watched the episode, I never visit any GoT-related forums until I’ve seen the latest episode.

I simply doubt that the White Walkers will wait all the events you’re laying out (plus the combined Lannister-Rest-of-Targaryen-army marching north) to launch their attack.
That’s why, when Tyrion said: "Help her to defeat my sister, and together, our armies will protect the North", Jon replied: "There's no time for that. There's no time for any of this!"

However, I won’t discuss this any further. In a few weeks, we all know if your predictions came true (except for the last bit which refers to Season 8). Moreover, with you talking about "actual productive posts", while at the same time, lashing out at everyone who doubts your vision, you don’t seem to meet your own requirements.
So, feel free to beat me up now, I won’t post anymore in this thread.



That's gotta be the worst "prediction" I've ever read.




And I add "amen, hallelujah!"



Wrong again.


I'm not sure about that.


I just told you. You can take it to the Iron Bank.



It was both a reference to the show for which this is the board and applicable as a common phrase indicating the veracity of a statement. Hardly shoehorned in. Rather, it was witty and apt; quite unlike every supposition of yours.


lol Wow...glad you don't write for the show. Nothing personal mind you...but no.


Yeah. Don't quit your day job, pal, because you stink at narrative development.


I phrased it questionably, but the gist is the same. Dany and Cersei will die, and someone will replace Cersei.

If you didn't notice, most of the claimants are dead now. Dany won't be queen. She is nothing more but a nepotist despot who lays her claim on a birthright that depended on conquest in the first place. Grey Worm will be killed by Euron in next episode, and it shows that Dany might very well lose to them. Cersei is slowly becoming the Mad Queen here, and either a revolt by the people or the white walkers will devour her.

Jon Snow, if you hadn't noticed, isn't interested in becoming the king of the Seven Kingdoms. The only one to replace Cersei is her brother, so that is why I place my bets on him. Jaime undoubtedly doesn't hate Tyrion. He will be accepted back into the family.

In the end, Jaime and Jon Snow (who isn't a claimant) will ally to defeat the white walkers. There is no reason they will fight each other. Over for what?

Arya is the only one with a justified reason to kill him. Since he's a Lannister. When he dies and Bran reveals Jon's origins, he will be persuaded to become king.

There is no objective reason to think this is not the case. Prove me wrong.



Wow. You must have a new screen name. Again...the internet never fails to disappointment. And you must be the moron who can't deal with other people's opinions. It's'll get used to this in time.



lol This IS NOT IMDB. And just get over yourself. Your idea sucked and everyone told you so. Poor guy, got your feelings hurt didn't you.



Read your first sentence and stopped. I never once resorted to calling you names until you called me a moron. And once again you resorted to name calling instead of presenting an actual, intelligent conversation. You are no long worth my time.

Your idea sucked. And you need to get over yourself.



One last time. Your idea sucked and everyone told you as such.

Have a nice day.



If you are talking about me, you are utterly wrong (again). I'm a big fan of Daenerys' and believe her dragons are the fire in A Song of Ice and Fire, therefore she will survive to the end.

It's not that I can't deal with other people's opinions. It's just that I don't suffer fools gladly. When an opinion is utterly ridiculous, I call it such. Like I said, you can have the *opinion* that the Earth is flat, but it is not an accurate or correct opinion. Sure, you have the right to your opinion, but when you issue a ridiculous one, don't be surprise if people then think that you are a naive intellectual midget.

How old are you, lad? Someone who thinks Jaime is the most complex character EVER seen in movies and TV can't be that old (hasn't had the opportunity to see a lot of stuff). Are you a school kid?

Jaime is not even Game of Throne's most complex character, much less of all TV and all movies. So, no, the Earth is not flat.

Oh, and you berated this other user for name calling... but didn't fail to call other people, morons.

Go ahead and say I'm *typical.* That's all you got.


Oh and your idea still sucks. Have a nice day.


Your.* You're welcome.


Fixed it...just for you.


You should do it for yourself. Literacy is a fortune, not a privilege.


You are a piece of work John. Good bye.



"Literacy is a fortune"

Ironic. Given the borderline incoherence of your post's opening 'sentence' (if one can call it that), it is evidently a fortune beyond your means.



That wouldn't be doublespeak due to the fact that I was not trying to obscure my meaning with a euphemism.

What you meant to call it was an 'oxymoron', as if I had wrote, for example, "the logical incoherence of your post", in which case you would have also been wrong. So congratulations, you managed to be doubly wrong with a two word sentence fragment.

Borderline is simply an adjective, meaning 'barely'. In other words, your post's opening 'sentence' was just barely incoherent.


In his novel, Ulysses, author James Joyce wrote what has come to be known as Molly Bloom's soliloquy, which is a single sentence that covers 100
pages in the published book. The difference between Joyce's art and the OP's first sentence is that the Joyce sentence is grammatically perfect and the other is far from being so.


What did you think I thought borderline meant? What made you think I meant oxymoron? Nice try, but try again.


I know what you're thinking because I'm more intelligent than you.

A word of advice: a little gratitude goes a long way.


Jon Snow will be revealed to all as a Targaryan this season. I can tell from all the dialogue between him and Dany last episode. It's being built up to.



No way. Daenerys is the Mother of Dragons, and fire will be the main weapon against the ice (White Walkers). The books are called A Song of Ice and Fire. The end game will involve Dany and her dragons defeating the White Walkers.


I cant see them both dying, but one of them is very likely, maybe sooner rather than later in typical shocking GIT fashion.
