Okay, Dany says she's ready to use marriage as one tool in her plan to conquer Westeros, along with her armies and dragons and great allies. There are currently two regions ruled by unmarried men, the Vale and the North, and of course the Vale will be no trouble for her.
But the North... sure, her dragons can take out any single target, but trying to conquer the North with three dragons is equivalent to trying to conquer a hypothetical iron-age Canada with three modern military flamethrower-bearing helicopters. There's just too many targets too far apart, and too frozen to burn easily. Easier to marry a king who'll do anything to advance his campaign against the local zombies.
Do you think Littlefinger will propose to Cersei or vice versa? She's so desperate for allies that she's really got to marry someone with money and an army.
That's also a possibility. I mean, the showrunners obviously ran out of time with the shortened final season. They won't have the luxury of creating a new villain to be more hated than Ramsay. However, they can use two of the most evil characters they've got as you suggested and put them together for double-action villainous wickedry.
So we'll get two couples againts each other and one ultra villain (the night king) for added dynamics. It will end with everybody died except for one, which will be Jon or Dany. Seems like a pretty good deal (read: safe) to end one of the most beloved tv series.
They wont get criticized too much with this, so they can still have careers after GoT.
I think its very possible Little Finger joins Cersei against The North and Daenerys. Cersei has no allies left and will need the knights of the Vale to fight for her (plus its all but confirmed that Euron Grejoy will join forces with her so she will also have a navy)
It also makes a bit of sense for all the humans to start joining forces with each other in terms of TV writing. Now that the show is starting to wrap up, they need to stop with the disparate storylines of characters who have nothing to do with each other, and the new Targaryan invasion is a great way to involve them all in something that effects the entire continent and make them choose sides. It's the sort of thing that GRRM has been totally failing to do in the books, not even a ghost of a hint of an overall plot there!
And if you're right, that'll give Cersei the choice of marrying Urine Greyjoy or Littlefinger. Eurgh. Offer me a choice like that, and I'd choose the Silent Sisters.
All very likely. But if Urine does marry Cersei and they become the chief villains, I hope they let her be the primary villain! She's so much more interesting and entertaining!
Urine Greyjoy doesn't seem to be making much of a splash with the fans, but Cersei is someone we can love to hate.
»Hello, Sansa!«
»Arya! You’re back! What have you being doing all those years?«
»I became a killer, and you?«
»I became a wife… twice. And then – wait, did you say killer?«
»Ummm, yes, and a very good one, too. Why'd you ask?«
»Welllllll… do you remember Lord Baelish?«
-Targaryans intermarry to reinforce and continue their bloodline
-to forge an alliance between the North and Dany and bring the North under the 7 Kingdoms banner
-to prevent claimants to the throne
-if Jon was legitimate, he has a better claim to the throne but with Dany's sterility, Jon and his heirs would still be next in line
And it's because of this that I think Jon will have two wives as of Targaryan old. Dany on One hand as a political marriage of 2 Targaryans and Sansa on the other (if she doesn't betray him) for love which would strengthen the Starks since the children may be a Targaryan by name but more Stark by blood
Eew, Sansa as Jon's other wife? Hasn't she suffered enough?
Okay, Jon is both hot and nice, but they're cousins by blood and think of each other as siblings. They'd both be grossed out by the idea of marrying each other.
Cousin marriages were very common then up until the 19th century, especially with the nobility. Second, I don't think Sansa will consider a marriage to a cousin (whom she is close to) as worse than marrying either Geoffrey or Ramsay. If she has to marry for an alliance or for her House, that's the best she will ever get and she will be lucky for it.
And Sansa and Jon were never close as children, because Sansa never treated nor considered Jon her brother which is why it would be a well suited match than say Jon/Arya. They may have found it strange but not more so than many people of those times. In ancient Egypt, they even married their siblings.
I'm confused...how is Sansa going to marry Jon or Littlefinger or whoever if Tyrion is back in Westeros? Isn't she still his wife??? I always though that her marriage with Ramsay was bigamy and not legal at all... At that time they all presume that Tyrion was death..but now? He will tell her: "Sansa honey..I wasn't that bad at all.."
I read somewhere that this marriage has an annulled...but I really don't remember that.
You know, when they were initially married, I actually liked it, they seemed a good fit to me. Tyrion is smart, good, loving and would be a respectful husband to Sansa. He is perfect for her as he does not fit her initial embodiment of a Prince like Geoffrey was and unfortunately for her, she had to find out the hard way that all her aesthetic romantic dreams of a brave handsome Knight/Prince are not realistic. In Tyrion, she has all those moral character illusions she dreamt of, but packaged in a Dwarf, not the tall handsome Prince she fantasized about. Tyrion on his side, as strong and as cunning he is, they are all a facade for a vulnerable good man who wishes to belong and to be loved. He is attracted to vulnerable women he has or can save/protect despite his stature which is why he has fallen for those 2 women who were not up to the standards of his family. Sansa is a noble woman, young, beautiful, and tall (much taller than he and even other men - this is just in the show of course) and now she presents a facade of strength and cunning which like Tyrion is true but is also a facade to protect that vulnerability within. Tyrion has seen her before the transformation, knows what she has been through and can empathize with her as he himself has been subjected to ridicule, mockery, and underestimation for almost all of his life. In her, he can find that woman child to protect yet in her he can also find that compatibility in their background, in their shared experiences, and still have enough differences to help/improve/assist one another.
Actually I still like them together but I also see her compatibility with Jon because if Jon is to be the King, the Targaryan-Stark King, I cannot see him settled with Dany alone:
1. she is sterile and the Kingdom would need an heir to stabilize the Kingdom and strengthen both the Targaryan and Stark bloodlines in the throne.
2. Even if by some miracle, she becomes fertile, given the genetic predisposition of the Targaryan (due to generations of inbreeding) to Madness, I wouldn't want the next Targaryan generation to have the same issues and thus make their House unstable. Targaryans need new blood, initial cousin marriages pose little to no genetic abnormalities in their offsprings unless it is continued for generations which limits the genepool.
So I guess I have impressed the Dune concept of two wife marriages to Jon, one to marry as a political alliance and another for the continuance of the bloodline. So I see Sansa as a good candidate for wife #2 in that it will after thousands of years strengthen the Stark Household and put one on the throne despite a Targaryan sigil.
Either way, I really had forgotten about Sansa's marriage to Tyrion that tbh, I would still like to see and perhaps for both their sakes prefer. I prefer a Jon/Sansa marriage simply because I would finally like to see the Starks stronger and more powerful than the other Houses.
I think Jon Snow would make a brooding, miserable husband. Especially as Danny would insist on making all the decisions. He'd just stare out tower windows...
Jon Snow seems too sensitive for Mother of Dragons Daneiris. She's the type who would never want to go on a vacation. And he'd be stuck changing all the kids' diapers.
Apparently you've forgotten that at the end of last season she dumped Dario, and told him it was because she was planning to include a strategic marriage in her campaign to conquer Westeros.
You're forgetting that the political system of the show is heavily based on medieval European style monarchy. Marriages of alliances were the usual thing. And it makes eminently good sense from Dany's point of view. John Snow is King in the North. The North is declaring independence. She was going to command him to bend the knee, but with the loss of her fleet, she's suddenly in a much weaker position and may need him and the North as an ally now, and can't afford to offend him needlessly by being too imperious. Perhaps she could conquer the North, after dealing with Cersei, but that would involve war, bloodshed, and forever standing less than steadily on the necks of a Northern population that is ever resentful and filled with hatred for the foreign invaders.
Or she can join the North to her realm as a willing ally, by marrying its king. Think of Ferdinand and Isabella marrying and joining the separate kingdoms of Castille and Aragon to make what is now the united country of Spain.