MovieChat Forums > Good Dick (2008) Discussion > *spoiler* One of the worst movies ever, ...

*spoiler* One of the worst movies ever, with terrible undertones

You know, few things infuriate me more in this day in age more than the themes of this movie.

Theme 1.. I laughed, I cried, I am an artsy dope who watches indie films because it makes me so special... and artsy... so I am cultured.

Let me tell you indie fruitbags one thing, I have more cultural knowledge and education than most of you put together. You think you get something out of this stuff, and I think you just have poor taste.

I rented this movie from one of those dollar rental kiosks in a store, I thought it would be a college comedy with a romantic side (my mistake for being in a hurry and not carefully reading the description).

No, before you say it to me, I am not missing the point or mood or feel of this movie. All copies of this film should be burned immediately as it is a horrible piece of garbage which poisons peoples minds to many terrible abnormal behaviors as if they are acceptable.

Oh your so artsy, you didn't care to fill the viewer in on what the girl's psychotic problem was...

Theme 2.. Feminism, in it's most radical form. We human being reject nature so very much. Why? Why do we reject human nature? Men are not tools of abuse for women. I would have put up with this girl for about hmm.. 20 seconds before I told her where to shove her phone. How dare she? I think this movie begins to bring two thoughts in my mind that I think our society needs. We need public beatings for women who get out of line and an abrupt stop to feminism, if this is how men will be abused in the next 10 years of feminazi evolution then I think we need to act fast men if you care to keep your dignity as a human being and if women are genuinely like this then I am personally for the pimp hand.

No honestly though, I am not for abuse of any kind. Let's act natural about things shall we? Men and Women do have intercourse in about every species with a male and female counterpart.

Theme 3.. This pathetic self abusing man who also has no idea how to respect personal boundaries.

Why would you even go there? Those guys, if they exist are quickly thrown in jail where I am from. This is fake, but as for his patience, well he is an idiot and will live his life in a one sided relationship.

I laughed, I cried, ... err not... I got confused, turned my head sideways throughout the whole movie like.. what the,...

Now I just feel even more disgust for those indie film crazed people who actually watch this, movies like this shouldn't be allowed. Oh and Europeans are more enlightened, I loved that message. Typical liberal undertones, a slight political message that you all might have not noticed.

Horrid. I am so deeply dissapointed, I will never EVER watch anything done by this director again and I might even think twice about Tom Arnold for even appearing in it.


Great review..

For "cultured" misogynists and Dragon Ball Z fans, alike.


I laughed.



I dont hate the movie as mutch as you but i agreee
REalOad~ Its NOX Real Talk.


Huh. Well, you've convinced me. I'm going to rent this posthaste. As a liberal feminist who has enjoyed Ritter in other projects, this might be up my alley.


It's not. Trust me.


Thank you for your honesty, I felt the same after watching this movie last night.


"Now I just feel even more disgust for those indie film crazed people who actually watch this, movies like this shouldn't be allowed. Oh and Europeans are more enlightened, I loved that message. Typical liberal undertones, a slight political message that you all might have not noticed"

WOW, just WOW.
Cool little movie by the way, I recommend it to anyone with more than one brain cell.


Dude, (yes, I said "dude" - sorry if this "liberal" slang repels your "cultured" self) it's a film that is meant to tell a story. Obviously you didn't like what it had to say and didn't agree with the movie's apparently feminist propaganda(?).

If you ban all movies that have some degree of inappropriate or unappealing subject matter in it, then your viewing experience will be isolated to a small quantity of retro Disney movies.

Indie films = radical liberals...mmkay. Sure. You are right... (And there is no "artsy" "liberal" sarcasm in my agreement) . No sirree. Oh, and since you are so "knowledgeable," please feel free (or "liberal" as it were) to point out all of my grammar, spelling and ideological mistakes.

You can't solve all your problems by shooting someone or setting a stranger on fire.



"I have more cultural knowledge and education than most of you put together."

When anyone opens up with a line like that it is a tell-tale sign of major insecurity. I for one don't feel compelled to practice self-congratulatory nonsense such as that in general, but especially on an internet board like IMDB. Why do people like you feel compelled to pretend or brag about your knowledge base or level of education? I have a degree (not in film) and yet I don't feel compelled to announce that fact whenever I debate someone or discuss any topic.

Ergo, I'm not even going to bother to read the rest of what you have to say.

I would hardly consider myself "indie" or a "fruitbag", but I do have an open mind when watching films, listening to music and in most instances of my life. Having an open mind to consider different perspective is a good thing. Although many closed minded tight-assed people would beg to differ.

The fact that you are also posting in a "Dragonball Evolution" thread, shows me that you are someone who is probably comparable to a real life Jeff Albertson AKA The Simpsons Comic Book Guy.


Hahahahahahahahah! You took the words right outta my mouth! You're wicked.

'Who?' said the cloud that started to cry.
'Where?' said the thunder without a sound.



I read your entire post in a funny, lispy voice. It made it made it so much more fun and enjoyable! Thank you!

Also, I will be thinking of Tom Arnold even more now. It's a shame this great american actor won't be recognized by you for who he is or his god given talents.

I hope you'll reconsider.


"I read your entire post in a funny, lispy voice. It made it made it so much more fun and enjoyable! Thank you! "

Ok, you probably didn't actually do this....but I did and honestly, I went from being angry at such a ridiculous one-sided review to laughing hysterically! It should be mandatory to read the OP's review with a lisp!

BTW, I'm half and half on this film...loved parts of it and hated parts of it, but to suggest that all copies should be burned is just ridiculous Third Reich thinking.

Life is tough. Its tougher if you're stupid
