Girls + Porn

Girls don't watch porno, unrealistic, next.


Do you also think girls don't masturbate because it's "yucky"?

I once knew a girl who knew the names of nearly every major male porn star and knew roughly how many inches each guy was. She was also married with kids.


Um, okay...but some of us do...

"My Rowsdower has come for me!"


The reason I ask is because there used to be an adult theater near me that let couples in free, but I could never find any girl willing to go. Of course I was 18 at the time.

"I am that damn good!"


Personally, when I was a teenager I DID watch porn with a couple of guys who were just friends and I was totally at ease. I have watched porn with one of my boyfriends but I was extremely uncomfortable for various reasons. I would not watch it with someone I am just dating, no. And I wouldn't ever go to an actual theater to see one, haha.

"My Rowsdower has come for me!"


Women watch pornography and if you think they don't then you're out of touch with reality. Like the myth that women aren't visual, trust me we ARE. The one thing men haven't gotten a clue about yet is that women aren't just observers of sexual relations or ornaments and things to jerk off on. We're people and we have reproductive organs and want to have sex just like men do (*GASP!*). Porn is mainly made with men in mind simply because men need it to masturbate whereas women simply want it. Men are going to pay more and so the porn industry is basically targeting the demo that will pay the most. Think of video games -- women play games but the industry knows guys are addicted and big moneymakers so that's who they target. It's really about advertising and marketing, porn. It's not about sex. And it mainly teaches men how to be terrible lovers, anyway. Men have this stupid idea that whatever you see in porn movies should be acted out, kind of like putting on a red cape and jumping off the roof after seeing Superman. They don't get that it is a movie and the people in it are doing most of the stuff they do because they are being PAID. Then of course men think that a small breast stuffed with a baggie full of saltwater is actually a breast, when it is still just a baggie of saltwater so it's not difficult to see why men's brains just don't work a lot of the time.

WOmen are also hugely involved in writing sex stories, especially slash material. I think out of all slash material women write 90-97% of it. If you don't know what slash is, you are again out of touch with reality.

There is only light, my light, my naked light, my gift to you all. Experience my bliss.


I watched porn as a teenager. I would have gone with you. LOL!!

There was this little video store that my boyfriend and I would go rent porn together at, but neither of us were 18 yet. The one older lady clerk would always refuse us, but the college kid clerks didn't care.

We would always get a big kick out of returning the porn rentals when the older lady was working. She would get so mad. Then, on my 18th birthday, right after school, we went there, walked straight to the porn room, made our selection and put it down on the counter. The old lady started throwing her usual fit about how she is not going to rent it to us and we know that, blah, blah, blah. Then, I whipped out my DL and said, "Huh, look at that. Today is my 18th birthday. I guess you have to rent it to me now." Oh, it was hilarious!!


tonyjack576 (Wed Nov 4 2009 16:12:42) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

The reason I ask is because there used to be an adult theater near me that let couples in free, but I could never find any girl willing to go. Of course I was 18 at the time.

"I am that damn good!"

Is that you Travis Bickle?


Yes, girls do watch porn.


I watch porn all the time. Heck, I even have a blog dealing with porn (among other things).


With the internet, girl or guy, who really sits down and watches porn anymore? Sure, it's a good masturbation aid but once you're goes the porn.

Maybe it's just me. I like porn and used to watch it when I was in my teens but now, with the internet, and actually going out and meeting girls, my porn watching is all but nil.

However, as a couple it is hot to watch together. If you're a girl who likes to watch porn....let me know about this and we'll work something out.


I'm a girl and i watch porn 3 or 4 times week.



I've laughed at porn with friends does that count? I have watched it.
Yeah, I'd say personally I have no problem with it or the idea of getting off from watching it. But the ridiculous lines and, body parts that been distorted to the point where they appear comical.
The whole way they go about it (from what I've seen) puts a damper on the chance of any kind of "pleasure" coming from me watching them.
So who knows maybe it would be for me if they just dropped the pathetic meaningless, and vague attempt at "story", and had normal looking people (normal not having to do with attractiveness, merely as surgically un-adhanced, and made up as people on the day to day)just getting it on..?
Who knows.


A LOT of girls watch porn... real talk.


1. Men are so clueless!

2. Every comment on this board from a man is so critical of the film because they are SO dumb about girls it just shocks me. Like a girl would care if a wonderful guy like Ritter's character pretended to have an aunt, just to get to know us. duh! We know guys do crap like that. And ALL girls watch porn. And masturbate.

I thought the boys in this film were adorable and sweet/good guys. Clearly a woman wrote this complex, terrific film.


I bet you get all the ladies...

I saw Inception... or at least I dreamt I did.


Yeah next thing you know you're going to say women don't like sex either.

Get real.

