MovieChat Forums > Crossing Over (2009) Discussion > I am GLAD that ingrate got deported...

I am GLAD that ingrate got deported...

now maybe she can appreciate how good she had it in the good ol US of A. Let's see how far she gets espousing her 'opinion' in the cinderblock classroom located in the wasteland she will now call home - thats if she is allowed to go to school. I know this topic has been talked to death but I felt the need to comment on it anyway - her storyline made angry to say the least. This girl who has lived in our country ILLEGALLY since she was 3 years old and had the same rights and priviledges as you and I (more than any other potential terrorist her age in her home country) has absolutely NO idea how the terrorists feel. Why not? Because she has not lived or been exposed to those circumstances or conditions. I don't care if in her own mind she 'understands', 'sympathizes', 'relates' whatever - anyone who can identify with someone who kills innocent people just living their lives because they don't see things the way they think they should is a terrorist sympathizer and should share their fate. Simplifying it with "I understand their anger but don't agree with how they chose to express it" just doesn't cut it- so maybe she though bio-weapons would have been more effective? Or maybe the more humanitarian act of strapping yourself with explosives and detonating in a public setting...I have read many posts where they try to dissect what she is saying and none of it convinces me - wonder if she would have held the same viewpoint if one of her family members died in one of the Towers...

Take all the politics out of it (liberal, conservative) and we have an ungrateful individual who's family was trying to give her opportunities that would not have been afforded to her in their own country, basically spitting in the face of all their efforts and sacrifices. Even when she was questioned by the FBI she was unsympathetic and more than willing to claim her right to "free speech". For someone who found so much fault with how this country treats the plight of others she sure didn't want to leave it - guess its not such a bad place after all. And the kicker is her parents knew it too that is why they chose without hesitation to let their children born here stay.

As an American citizen I believe in our constitutional rights to freedom of speech and religion. We can practice these rights without having to be worried about being dragged out of our beds in the middle of the night and tortured within an inch of our lives. What I cannot stomach is an ILLEGAL immigrant enjoying the opportunities, freedom, and liberties of our democratic nation and bashing it in the same breath. I would be interested to see her story line fast forwarded two years later and how this girls life compares to what she had, I bet its not all its cracked up to be. The happy ending to her story arc of deportation for me was knowing she could NEVER come back - good riddance.


Wow what a response to a ficticous stroyline, even to thep point of making up a future for her where she validates this opinion.
I just wantched the film last night by the way and it was quite good, not a patch on Crash but still canny.

Howcome no one seemed to have an issue with the would be murdering Korean illegal ? is that not worthy of debate, especially as he was repreived by the Asian accomplice to another murder, although by then he was a naturalised citizen of the good old US of A ?

Looking at the storyline through my eyes, British eyes, what struck me was surely seperating her from her family and sending her off to god knows where (I think it was Bangladesh but the FBI witch just seemed to say Bangla and then she started saying something else, almost ridiculing herself in that she knows nothing beyond the west & east coasts of the states), that you have a fair chance of ensuring she will become a terrorist (freedom fighter in others eyes), you then have a good chance that one of her brothers may then get radicalised and conduct internal terrorism (which seems to be more of a threat to the states).

It is counter productinve in the long term and unfortunately as time and history shows, unless you look at the long term you don't move forward.

The point of view of Americans regarding the Sept 11 is a strange one, clouded in anger and not really knowing or caring why it happened or that there is any other way of sorting it but through Shock and Awe. Again as a Brit I grew up in the 70's & 80's when the Northern Ireland troubles were at their peak, regular (and I mean regular here, monthly, weekly & often daily) attacks inc. shootings & bombings, occurend not only in Ireland but on Mainland Britain. It was something we grew up with and adjusted to, some 3600 people died in this time, (yes I know the numbers in the twin towers, although lots of them were immigrant workers and I dare say some illegals in there, so judging by this thread, they probably deserved it) mainly in small and hence very numerous incidents, civillians on both sides living in the same towns a virtual civil war. Yes the Brit army did come in at the request of the Catholics in an attempt to protect them against the loyalist protestants.

It did not turn us into Irish hating fascists, it did not make us think the only way to solve the issue was through ultimate force, no, we had to understand and comprimise. Not to mention getting angry about who paid for the majority of the weapons in the republican hands, a fact that gets little airplay or recognition when you here of the American war on terror. No we talked and understood and now senior leaders in the IRA are paid politicians in the British government, yes they have an office in westminster and are paid a salary by the British tax payer, although I think they did find a way of not having to swear an allegiance to the Queen.

Take South Africa and the reconcilliations that they went through, Nelson Mandella, jailed for terrorism but realeased as a freedom fighter, to then lead the country. Reconciliation was the key factor in his politics.

Until the States stops Shooting first and asking question later then nothing will be resolved, great if you want to stay in that large beautifull country of yours and rattle your sabres and not actually try and bring an end to the causes of acts of terror.

Even as your allies, it is well known that in any conflict our soldiers are more at risk of being killed by the American forces than they are by the enemy.

Anyway her being illegal was irrelevant, had she not been she would have been detained or put in that greatest of illegal abuses of human rights, Guantanmo, that stain on the fabric of the stars and stripes, mind you it is still fairly stained seeing as the land of the free still has capital punnishment (cos it really works......) not only for adults but still recently for juveniles.

What the rest of the world must appreciate though is the States is a very young and therefore immature country that must be given time to grow and learn before it can be a fully funtioning member of the world society. After all it is only 50 years since black and white segregation.

peace and love


Your an ignorant person. I thought long and hard on something better but your ignorant pretty much nails it.


You're not ungrateful simply because you disagree with American arrogance and it's meddlesome foreign policy.

I love my country but I won't deny that it has made many past and present mistakes.

Passenger side, lighting the sky
Always the first star that I find
You're my satellite...


Couldn't she just be watched by the FBI? She was a teenager her personality was being built...Her speech didn't make a lot of sense but there wasn't any real connections to terrorist groups, she was seeking knowlegde seeking for both sides of the history how is that bad?! Why wouldn't you let her make her own mind? What happens now is that with the treatment she received the other side just won an argument...You know that's how they recruit new members to terrorist organization, they seek people your american system treated worst than animals like prisioners. They take them him and give them space to show the anger they feel.

I agree that people who break american law need to be punished but there are several ways of punishment you don't need to humiliate people and constantly remind them they are inferior beings just because they weren't lucky enough to be born in an american cradle, in american soil. Does that make them any less humans? From what I see they had the same worries as any other american family, the parents worked hard and wanted the kids to have a better life. Why are you unable to sympathize? Because they're more tanned than you are?!

I am not american, I am a white catholic european. Before you start disrupting all my words and accuse me of terrorism just because I don't share the same opinion.


anyone who can identify with someone who kills innocent people just living their lives because they don't see things the way they think they should is a terrorist sympathizer and should share their fate.

United stated murdered a few hundred thousand innocent people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I <3 Emily Blunt


She was punished for espousing her opinion in America, too - so according to your point, there is NO difference between America and the place she's being returned to! 

I don't necessarily agree with what she was saying, but if you say America is 'The Land of the Free' and believes in free speech then you have to back it up with action... Freedom of speech is really important when it comes to defending the right of those who DISAGREE with you to say what they say. If you risk being deported for offering an opinion, then such speech carries risk and is therefore not truly 'free'...

If you believe that somebody is a threat to your country, then you have the right to monitor their behaviour and even kick them out... but given that she said she DISAGREED with what the terrorists did, then if we take her at her word, she isn't a liability at all.

&#x22;Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!&#x22;
