MovieChat Forums > Unthinkable (2010) Discussion > So H kills the dudes wife....

So H kills the dudes wife....

I just watched this piece of fictitional bullcrap and almost had to turn it off after the seen where S. Jacksons character kills the women by slitting her throat. In the next scene I was waiting for the people to come in and arrest him for murder but instead they come and beg him for more help. This is just stupid, as if the women FBI lead would come in and talk with H. after he had just cut that woman's throat right infront of her. I guess murdering women is just all in a days work for government supported torturer. Rubbish


next time, type SPOILER ALERT you idiot. people like you should be banned from IMDB


Anyone coming to a movie site, then to the actual movie's page, then to the forums of said movie, prior to watching that movie, is more of an idiot than the person who doesn't write "Spoilers" in the header.

Example of senility.


IMDB terms and conditions disagrees with you. Spoilers are not supposed to be in headers, as someone casually browsing information about the movie can see it.

Damion Crowley
"Tomorrow's just your future yesterday..."


Like I said, any moron who even comes to this site before watching the movie is just that....a moron.

Example of senility.


So anybody coming to this site to say, check parental warnings, is a moron? Okay.


Yes moron. Movies are rated, PG, R, etc. There is no need to come here for parental warnings. And, if you had one ounce of brain matter, you would have thought about your post before submitting it. If the parent comes here to look at parental warnings, they are doing so as a protection for their kids, not for themselves. Any accidental knowledge gained would be irrelevant, since it is their kids that are going to watch the movie, not them.

Example of senility.


I, too, do not understand your problem with the fact that they continue working with H after he has killed the wife. At that point it was already crystal clear that they would be willing to let him do almost anything to get the locations of the bombs. It is up to you to decide if you agree with them, but there is nothing wrong with the movie here. The movie is not trying to convince you that you should approve of H's methods, but to make you think about the dilemma here.

Furthermore, in my opinion, mathematics is not the proper tool here, as suggested by some...

Besides that, I believe that all those racist people out here didn't quite understand the honesty and neutrality of the movie and have no business discussing their completely off-topic nonsense here...


Basically this is a film that wants to create soulless hardened people with no heart like H who will start hating a group of people just because they worship One God who has no partners or sons. The only country that can mass kill innocent people based on its precedence is USA.


"H" loved his wife and children

Lovely read, thanks for the entertainment. Always interesting to see how people react and conclude their thoughts and feelings.


So basically the people saying that its ok to kill the kids to save the people from the nuclear explosion?

What if the terrorist said to kill and torture your kids in exchange for the location of the bombs. Would the people in the room do it?

Would you let your kids get tortured and killed to give up the location of the bombs. Hey I mean its only 2-3 of your kids in exchange for millions of people right.

Get the f out. All you people who say torture is ok should be tortured. But its ok as long as its not your kids right?



This is basically the age-old morality question of if you and your family was starving, would you steal bread from a store in order to survive? This takes it up a whole notch. Based on need, I would steal the bread. I need it for that moment, while the store owner has an entire store to make money or eat from. Even if it was the difference between my and my family's lives or the store owner's life, I would do anything in my power to save my family and ensure their safety. That is the answer I would expect most people to give. In essence, we are not sure what the government was threatening Samuel L and his family with or if he was just a worker, so I do not judge him because A) he may have been defending and protecting his family and B) its a *beep* part in a *beep* movie.
Secondly, everyone is judging Samuel L. for killing this guys wife because it wasn't morally right. Well guess what? Sometimes in life and war you have to much tough and difficult decisions. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices and it isn't easy. Sometimes innocent people die. But, you have to make that choice does the mean outweigh the cost. So basically, 1 (or 3 potentially) innocent life in exchange from 20 million innocent lives. Mathematics tells you that it is a simple choice, but morally, it is a tougher question. Who is to judge what a life is worth? It is a tough question, but in the end someone has to make those decisions, and I pray that none of you ever has to.

Awesome Blossom, extra awesome.
-Michael Scott


What you are describing is the thoughts of terrorists who kill innocent people to save the millions of people in their homeland. And I don't agree with the terrorist philosophy. The truth is as it is said in the Quran 5:32 "if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind". Hence even killing one person it is as if you have killed the whole of mankind.

Also this movie is giving a message that the terrorists and their supporters are both responsible, hence USA besides its own terrorism, is also responsible for the terrorist actions committed by Israel since it supports it unconditionally.


Anyone coming to a movie site, then to the actual movie's page, then to the forums of said movie, prior to watching that movie, is more of an idiot than the person who doesn't write "Spoilers" in the header.

Spot on... I always watch movies first, and then visit thier forums. Being smart is a good thing, yeah...


" You're just saying this because you're probably white and american, and you think they don't have the same values and love that you do. Racist. "

Anyone else see the contradiction in this? Pfft...racist.


In the context of this movie, what is stupid is that he slit her throat instead of pulling her fingernails out, dousing her with battery acid, etc. in front of the children. The point was to discover the locations of the nukes by any means necessary- H fell well short of that.


In the context of this movie, what is stupid is that he slit her throat instead of pulling her fingernails out, dousing her with battery acid, etc. in front of the children. The point was to discover the locations of the nukes by any means necessary- H fell well short of that.

So, would you still call it stupid if you were involved in the same situation? Think more rational next time, thanks.



OH my god after reading all of these comments I am ashamed to be a human being, we all are living in a crazy *beep* up world, with so much hatred for each other. Cutting an innocent woman's throat infront of her husband, and planting 3 nuke to kill millions of innocent people are just insane.


In that scene his intention was not to kill here. He would have likely done as you say, but they were about to take her out of the interrogation room. To not lose his (future) leverage with the kids, he decided to take that action.


Thanks for the spoiler idiot!!


Anyone coming to a movie site, then to the actual movie's page, then to the forums of said movie, prior to watching that movie, is more of an idiot than the person who doesn't write "Spoilers" in the header.

Example of senility.


thank you! I have said this myself before but idiots need to be reminded. why are you reading a discussion about a movie before you have seen it? watch the movie then come here and read and no whining necessary. it's this whole mentality of child safety locks on everything. we have to protect those with limited capacity from themselves. does this even need to be said??? I don't even read movie reviews. why would you? see it for yourself and form YOUR OWN opinion. sheesh! also agree that this movie is crap. screenplay could have been a film school project. my theory is without sam jackson people would be hating on this.

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"


actually, there are plenty of reasons to come to a movies site before you see a movie. But signing up for an account and NOT reading the terms of use and the like DOES in fact make you an INCONSIDERATE MORON.


I agree completely.


Anyone coming to a movie site, then to the actual movie's page, then to the forums of said movie, prior to watching that movie, is more of an idiot than the person who doesn't write "Spoilers" in the header.


You're a dick. It's basic manners to leave spoilers. The fact that you're one of the many peasants who don't, isn't something to be proud of.

Forums are to discuss movies not spoil them. Simple. Hence the imdb terms and conditions.


OP is probably young and naive. It doesn't mean he's a moron, so stop treating him like one.

@markotheman-1: Consider 30 million lives in the balance versus killing two children and a woman.

Consider if in 30 of those million, your entire family was dead.

Would you still feel the same way about what he did?
