Gale should've been Jesse's first kill
I know this is sort of similar to my last post on Jesse, but my main point is different.
Jesse killing Gale should've been one of the biggest tragedies in the show. A young and desperate man starts doing some illegal things, but would never even consider hurting anyone. Then Walt forces him to commit a terrible crime, which sends him on a downward spiral.
But the problem is, Jesse never had any problem with cold blooded murder.
He pressured Walt to kill Krazy-8, who was unarmed, injured, tied up and begging for his life. You can't get more cold blooded than that. That's even worse than Gale. If Jesse had lost the coin flip, I'm sure he would've done it without hesitation.
And it was Jesse's idea to kill Tuco. He tried to poison him, which would've been extremely painful. Then he shot him in the stomach and left him to bleed out, which also would've been very painful.
And what about the rival dealers? Jesse was about to kill them before Walt did.
One could argue these were all justified, including Gale, as they were done to save lives, but it's still murder. The better way to deal with it would've been to go to the police and accept the consequences.
So what made Gale so different? I guess the only difference is Gale was a nice person, but he was still a criminal in a dangerous business, who knew he could've ended up dead or in prison. Also, Krazy-8 was kinda nice.
So it doesn't really make sense how Jesse was so traumatized by killing Gale, when he never had a problem committing cold blooded murder when he believed it was necessary, which was the case with Gale. If Gale was the first time Jesse even considered killing, it would've been so much more powerful, it would've been him truly turning to the "dark side".