MovieChat Forums > Bride Wars (2009) Discussion > Terrible movie with subliminal messages

Terrible movie with subliminal messages

I think this was one of the worst movies I've ever seen; not because its predictability but also because of these subliminal messages about love and life they've been trying to stuff teenagers and young people in general. According to Bride Wars:

1. The poor needs to make way to the rich's wishes of having their dreams come true. Hathaway's character ends her wedding dreams so Hudson's can be married where and when she wanted. At the Plaza, on June 6. Since Hathaway played a teacher making way less money than a lawyer, she had to break up with her boyfriend...

2. After a breakup of an almost 4-year relationship, It takes less than a year to marry your best friend's brother. It was obvious Hudson's brother made way more money than Hathaway's ex. It was just a matter of time to solve the economic situation for the teacher by marrying someone with a higher income.

3. Money matters, not love, not even sex. It's all about how much you make, that's gonna make you happy. Nothing else. Proof of that is the scene when they found the ring and the Vera Wang dress incident. Hudson's character didn't learn or evolved in any way during the movie. She will still be the same materialistic bitch for all sequels to come. Hathaway will be at her side, adapted to a mediocre, insensitive life.

4. It's ok to be cruel to your best friend and make her fat with candy, color her hair blue, make her tired to death with a crazy dance teacher and send invitations already mentioning your wedding date without having talked to her.

If you have more "life lessons" from this movie, feel free to post.

Javier H. Moreno


The messages in this movie were about as subtle as Johnny Travolta's hairplugs!

True dat!


Women seem to have an insatiable appetite for cutesy pootsy wedding movies. Enough already. There are too many of them.

If you are betting that a man will make you happy for the rest of your life you will be seriously disappointed. At least 50% of the time.

The wedding seems to be the be all & the end all. No one cares about what comes AFTER. The boring routine. The grind of marriage. Every day is exactly the same as the day before. Rude brats who don't listen to you.

Not sure why modern women still fall for all this fairytale romance crap. Get real, ladies


Yeah, girls movies are all the same. They should have had some explosions, lot of guns and some wild car chases because everyone knows guy movies are so unpredictable.


I don't know about the others, but I totally agree with you about number 2! That pissed me off. The two had like one real scene together then got together, engaged, married, and pregnant all within one year of her last wedding?! They just didn't want her to be single at the end. *beep* lazy Hollywood writers.

You can't trade magic like *beep* Pokemon cards! - RIP Jesus :(


Your preoccupation with finances tell me that you are insecure about your own finances. You clearly don't make the money you wish you did and resent those who do make more money than you. It's sad.


September 2008. After reading that date, tell me if I should be feeling secure about my own, or the rest of the country's, finances.

Lest not forget the movie came out in early 2009: Salt to the wounds of lots of people who lost their homes, cars, 401Ks... now that's sad.

Now, honestly... do you think the movie gives young people a good message?


Now, honestly... do you think the movie gives young people a good message?
Honestly, I think people need to stop looking for message in movies. If anyone is as immensely influenced by a movie as you claim, then they deserve everything that happens to them.


Agreed. They do deserve it, but I am not criticizing the audience. I am criticizing this movie. And all of a sudden I remembered Hathaway doing another lemon called "Love and Other Drugs", which could have been a harsh criticism to the pharmaceutical industry, but instead they turned it into a "sexy comedy" promoting private healtchare -Medicine should be socialized, big time, in my opinion-.

I remember a conversation I had with a screenwriter a long time ago. We were talking about Seinfield. She was 100% sure that a show doesn't have to carry a message in order to be good or bad. I told her as long as there is a person on the other side of the screen, a certain form of message will reach. Now, it will be delivered, but that does not mean it will create an effect on the person. But for some people, at the right time and place, a message can change them. And that's OK too.

A movie won't change the world. True. As well as a love story won't make the world a better place, a violent movie won't turn the world in a war zone. Most likely a movie won't solve your problems -financial, emotional, marital ones... you name it. But there are people who absorb what society tells them to do, through the news, TV series and of course film, which was for Nazi Germany the best way of Propaganda.

Javier H. Moreno


I agree with the first poster. "Bride Wars" is a terrible movie with an awful screenplay and even worse performances of the leading actresses.
It's hard to think about "its message". The storyline is so unrealistic, the characters are so shallow and stereotyped. I've never met people like that in real life (thank God). This movie has no message, it's just waste. Saying that this film could have a message would be too flattering for this awful movie.


The first poster (me) likes your comment :)

Javier H. Moreno


good movie wtf are u talking bout



(Whooooo, I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder who)
Taught you how to talk like that
(Whooooo, I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder who)
Gave you that big idea


gotta love boz scaggs!


Why are all of your problems with this film about money? There are a lot of things wrong with the movie and it's protagonists, but money is the least offensive of them.

Did you notice how Anne Hathaway's character always gets the short-end of the stick in this movie and is basically treated like a Butt Monkey throughout? Meanwhile, Kate Hudson's character never has any problems with her fiancé, or anything, and she (the producer) gets her happy ending.

Screw Kate Hudson.


I know this post is super late but...I don't agree with the end of your statement. Anne Hathaway's character IS stepped on throughout the movie, but changes towards the end. She finally stands up to her maid of honor (the lady she worked at the school with) and ended her relationship with Fletcher because she knew he'd walk all over her for the rest of her life. Kate Hudson's character's job was her whole life, and she ended up getting demoted. That was a HUGE deal to her. BUT, it made her realize that she wasn't perfect and that she didn't need to be. The movie didn't follow up on her job though, so that probably confused some people. ALSO, Kate Hudson's character's wedding WAS ruined! LOL


As happens so often, Liv didn't see herself as a bully. Emma didn't see herself as a doormat. The wedding conflict brought those things to the surface, and they had to deal with it, never expecting it. And so they changed. (Still a lousy and depressing movie.)


I totally forgot about this film. Now I remember how bad it was: enough for me to vent here!

Javier H. Moreno
