Why do movies and TV shows always do this?
They don't have to, and yet, they always do it.
They try to tell a story and make it believable, and then suddenly it's almost as if they do EVERYTHING in their power to absolutely obliterate, destroy, mangle, maim and rip to tiny pieces any, tiniest possibility of having any believability, immersion or credibility.
Sheldon makes a questionnaire for his friends about himself. He hands about 3-5 one-sided papers to everyone, and as we can clearly see the text lines on the paper, there can't be more than about five questions per page.
Five questions on one-sided paper would mean you need two pages to have ten questions.
It's clearly stated multiple times in this episode that there are 'over two hundred questions'.
I probably don't need to go any further for people to realize my point, but just a simple math would dictate, Sheldon would need at least forty (40) paper sheets for the questionnaire.
He has only about five or fewer than five.
Even if we raise the amount to ten (10) questions per page, he would still need TWENTY (20) paper sheets!
We're shown only a 'few sheets of paper' instead of twenty or forty.
WHY? There is _NO_ reason for this other than some kind of convenience, and this definitly treats the audience as idiots. Why would idiots even WANT to watch a TV show like this, where every character is supposedly smart (told, but not usually shown)?
Other examples are so easy to find, it's depressing. Almost ANY movie that says a 'big number' of something, and then shows that something, DEFINITELY does not have even near of that 'big number' of those things on the screen, and almost no one notices.
Fight Club talks about four hundred (400) gallons of nitroglyserine (or is it nitroglyserin?), but then shows a tiny van that might fit maybe 100 gallons, but we are SHOWN probably less than 20 gallons MAX.
Another movie is the crime-worshipping 'Smokey and the Bandit', where the 'money man' is shown to have a bunch of bills, and hands money to the moustache miracle. What is said and what is shown is completely incongruent; there's NO WAY that man holds enough money for what the script demands in that scene.
WHY do movies do this? There is ABSOLUTELY no need to do it this way, and yet they always, ALWAYS; AALLWWAAAYYSSS do this crap!
Is there some kind of secret contract in hollyweird, where they have to constantly test just HOW dumb people are, and how they don't notice anything, or that things that are shown are NOT allowed to match what is said or what the script demands?
I can't explain this, holy cow is it annoying, though. It's like trying to tell a kid a low-value coin is more valuable than a hundred dollar bill, or being really obvious about your lie, but still lying, although no one can take you seriously.
How am I, as a viewer, supposed to take ANYTHING seriously or have any immersion to anything, if this kind of thing keeps constantly happening?
Couldn't they just have a few more sheets at least?