How the final episode of Big Bang Theory should end
David (Roseanne) wakes up and realizes that he dreamed the entire show.
shareDavid (Roseanne) wakes up and realizes that he dreamed the entire show.
Leonard wakes up in bed with Leslie Winkle and discovers that after they hooked up, the world had ended and they are in the "Walking Dead"
shareSheldon should solve the mystery of string theory (or one of the other concepts he's trying to solve) and get the Nobel Prize.
A new elevator is installed in the apartment building.
shareBernadette and Penny divorce their husbands and admit their love for each other.
shareSheldon is abducted by aliens which looks the same as him and it's revealed he is from another planet.
share2hr final all done in flash backs and narrated by Sheldon Cooper.
- Sheldon is older and he is packing up his apartment because he took another job.
- He is melancholy looking at pictures of his friends and starts to tell the story about each one.
* Howard is on death row, because Bernadette mouthed off one time too many. It also turns out he still hears his mother voice bitching at him.
* Raj finally found the love of his live, but she turned out to be an ISIS recruiter and the last shot shows him as a suicide bomber.
* Amy was eaten by her lab animals.
* Leonard got sick and it turns out he has AIDS. After he tells Penny, she admits to being a high price hooker, that she never loved him and was only using him as cover for her business.
* Then Sheldon starts his own story.
* He explains that he is not a genius, well not a science genius.
- He says that around 15 he realized that he was good at convincing people that he was smart.
- He talks about how he out grew his strange behavior around the same time but he kept it up as a form of cover.
- He goes on to explain how he used others to gather a fortune in scientific funding.
The last you see of Sheldon he is putting on a suit and in a total Keyser Söze moment he smiles at the camera and walks out of the apartment.
The end title board says
Thanks for wasting 12 years of your life!