MovieChat Forums > The Big Bang Theory (2007) Discussion > How the final episode of Big Bang Theory...

How the final episode of Big Bang Theory should end

David (Roseanne) wakes up and realizes that he dreamed the entire show.


Chuck Lorre crawls out from underneath a grand piano walks up to Sheldon and tells him that he is god and that he'll answer anything Sheldon wants to know.

Shaldon doesn't believe him and ask him to prove it.

Wondrous CGI effects and miracles are presented as proof to which Sheldon finally accepts that he is talking to god.

Chuck says "Well...?" and the camera does a close up of Sheldon. He opens his mouth and inhales a little, he was huge eyes filled with awe and he asks...fade to black and roll credits.


An "all stars assembly" in Stuart´s comic center would be nice. Unfortunately Stephen Hawking is not among us anymore, but many others could be there, Will Wheaton, Dr. Proton could appears again as Obi Wan (may be together with Mark Hamill), Jordi Laforge, Brent Spinner and even Zack could be there.

And as previously pluckytotheend mentioned: A new elevator is installed in the apartment building.


Probably Clichéd: Penny and Amy discover they are pregnant at the same time.


And Sheldon is the father.


Raj and Howard wedding.


All the characters turn out to be 2-inch high beings in a matrix that Sheldon created to study human nature.



Schroedinger's Bang?




Leonard wakes up and realizes that Penny left him years ago to pursue a career in "art" films.
Penny wakes up and realizes she can have a career in "art films".
Sheldon wakes up and realizes that Amy isn't a man after all.
Amy wakes up and finds Sheldon hitting on Leonard just to try and work out the "formula".
Howard wakes up and realizes that what he has is the best he will ever have.
Bernadette wakes up and realizes she can do "art" films with Penny.
Raj wakes up and starts to get jealous that Sheldon is hitting on Leonard and not him.

To be honest I don't really care anymore. The ep's barely have a story line now.
