MovieChat Forums > Deadgirl (2013) Discussion > OK, did I miss something with the ending...

OK, did I miss something with the ending?

I get the ending. Very predictable and you could tell about 30 minutes into the movie how it was going to end.

BUT .......

They show the kid all hunky dory walking around, life is good, etc.

Uhhhhh ..... so his best friend . . . the stoner guy . . . the school's two star athletes .... and one of the most popular girls in school COME UP MISSING OR DEAD .... and nobody notices or cares????

And the biggest thing. The zombie escaped!!!!! The zombie who loves to attack and kill people, has just escaped into the city . . . . and nobody notices????

These facts are important because the last two scenes of the movie present the school like nothing is wrong or out of the ordinary.

You have five kids missing and a pscyho zombie running around killing people . . . but life is all good??????????


I think there was 3 zombies unaccounted for. The girl and the two jocks. Still, I liked it, better than I thought it would be.


Yea, didn't the second jock make a comment about the first one having his guts stuffed back inside him and he is starting to smell like the deadgirl?


And how come he seemed to be rotting from the inside and sh***ing his guts out, but deadgirl is still intact?


maybe the dead girl already went through losing her guts before they found her


She didn't just "love to attack and kill people". The only people she hurt were the people who hurt her first. If you remember, she shoved Rickie aside to escape, rather than hurt/kill him.

Frankly, I see her more as a vampire than a zombie. After she ripped those rapists up a bit, she suddenly wasn't so ridiculously beat-up herself anymore.


She didn't just "love to attack and kill people". The only people she hurt were the people who hurt her first. If you remember, she shoved Rickie aside to escape, rather than hurt/kill him.

not really, she clearly killed the dog that did nothing to her. and apparently was docile while the boy put lipstick on her...well within biting distance just a few moments before.


Btw you guys gotta realize it's the ending to the FILM and what we SEE. There's no doubt that *beep* gonne be going around the town 'JOCK IN HOSPITAL TURNS TO ZOMBIE' 'ZOMBIE RUNNING AROUND' ETC
But that's not what we see. Maybe it happens soon after, we don't know. That's where the FILM ends, not their story.


My guess is the dog was her guard, NOT her protector, and therefore, as an offering to her captor, she killed the dog. She certainly had some Stockholm syndrome going on with JT.


I took away from this that through their unrestrained lust and sick-minded mentality, these guys started the zombie apocalypse.


u can't say the dog hasn't humped the girl.
Dog humps anything


likely had enough wherewithal to know that a better chance of escape was with the guy remaining alive. If the dog killed him then everyone else that came in she would still be strapped down.

She pretty much has attacked everyone she came in contact with whether they hurt her or not. Rickie has tried to help her and abstained form violating her, mixed with the direct shot to the exit probably let to her just getting out of there.

Not one unaccounted for has knowledge of the deadgirl. There is also no indication that 'deadification' does not reduce brain activity to the point one can no longer talk.

As for the deadgirl, if an undead person was discovered by competent authorities, it would not be front page news. That would be a completely top-secret in the basement of a science-lab being operated by people that do not exist situation if not a Kill it with fire thing.


Wow. That is a really solid point. I'm going to revise my thinking. I think you are right. Not a zombie in the traditional sense any more than a vampire is. She doesn't eat, she attacks. She is physically beautiful, she can be harmed, but possibly heals.

A vampire.


There are only two unaccounted zombies. Johnny the head jock/Jo Ann's boyfriend and the Deadgirl. J.T. butchered the fed the second jock to the dead girl and we can assume that Rickie destroyed/restrain/took care of his friends.


I like to think that Rickie gave a clue about what he ended up doing when he said "I should have just torched the whole place".
Burning the hospital with JT and the original zombie would tie things up reasonably well.
We can only guess what happens to the leader jock. Maybe his guts fall out again?



Not a vampire... just a semi-conscious undead girl. If she was a vampire, she would have been able to heal herself -- there was no evidence in the film that she was able to do this. And she would have drank blood instead of eating flesh. Just because she was hot doesn't mean she was a vampire.

"The Dude abides."


Traditionally, vampires can be hurt. In certain mythos, they can only heal when they ingest blood. And I think by attacking the boys the way she did, she would/could have ingested a lot of blood, without eating the actual flesh (Zombie trait).


"I'm going to revise my thinking. I think you are right. Not a zombie in the traditional sense any more than a vampire is. She doesn't eat, she attacks. She is physically beautiful, she can be harmed, but possibly heals.

A vampire."

Its just a movie about an unspecified super-natural being. It doesn't have to be made to fit into some entry out of the Monster Manual.

Been making IMDB board posts since the 90s, yet can't bring up any from before December of 2004.


She was mindless and would probably just attack anything that got close. It was never implied that the zombies specifically go after humans, or would have any sort of stalking ability. Could very well disappear into the woods... then a year later the planet is overrun by zombie bears.



No, seriously though. Vampire and Zombie are two terms that keep getting broader and broader. Still, she's more of a zombie...

~Says the boss.


at the beginning, they show the school recently and suddenly abandoned (milk still dripping). so, that makes me think that the missing zombies multiplied and took over the town.

but, if that's the case, why bother tying up the girl down in the basement? sooner or later he would have to leave the basement for food, etc, and notice what's happened to the town.

I get the metaphors and the message in the film, but the ending isn't the most clear.


The school's empty because there's been a fire drill, as explained in the following scene outside ;)


I loved the movie, but you have a very strong point. Oh well, I guess he's "enjoying" his dream girl while the rest of the world is in anarchy.


It would seem that if 4 people disappeared, and one guy turned into a zombie (tied up in a hospital I assume), the one person who is connected to all 5 of them would be interrogated by the police.


Did NO ONE here on any of these threads notice that the entire movie is a flashback? The movie starts with an abandoned school, in the middle of an average day.. spilled milk, dropped basketball, abandoned world. This is movie is about the beginning of the zombie apocalypse... patient 0. The real continuation of the story is clearly hinted at in the first scene of the movie, and the end of the movie is just an interlude that shows that the time is coming and the world is changing...


The school is empty because the students went outise after a fire alarm.


That's arguable. I think the intro scene can be interpreted either way, as the establishing shot is never referred back to again.

It could easily just be the school during a fire drill. But it could just as easily be an abandoned school.


It's arguable, but I tend to side with omisan777. The empty school shots mostly exist to set up the film's themes -- teenage isolation and emptiness -- and are literally explained by a fire drill. But sure, I suppose they could also hint at the film's aftermath...

You must have been so afraid, Cassie... Then you saw a cop.


yeah. they clearly say "its to hot for this *beep* *beep* drills". Not to mention the first lines of the movie are a joke about a fire truck and then you actually hear the siren of the fire truck in the background. Its not a flashback at all. Watch the movie again. clear as day. Probably the only thing that is actually perfectly clear in this movie.


Did NO ONE here on any of these threads notice that the entire movie is a flashback? The movie starts with an abandoned school, in the middle of an average day.. spilled milk, dropped basketball, abandoned world. This is movie is about the beginning of the zombie apocalypse... patient 0.-.

HUH???!!!! Mmmmm..No! If you actually watch the movie, it was a fire drill!


Ok... Yes, the ending did seem a little unrealistic when you think about all the kids that ended up dead, BUT, think about this... from what it showed of JT and Ricky's home life, there is little to no parental involvement. So, these kids probably didn't tell anyone their whereabouts or anything at all about the abandoned mental hospital. There really aren't any arrows pointing to Ricky or the mental hospital. As Wheeler stated earlier... no one gives a *beep* A group of teenagers... assumed missing probably... not dead. Is that really that uncommon? I think the chill music at the end, and the laid back appearance from Ricky is just because it's all over. Though JT was his friend, his corrupt attitude is no longer controlling the situation, and in his eyes, he is taking care of Joanne the way she should be... not with that dumb jock anymore. Just some thoughts.


The reason the beginning isn't a flashback is simple: Where is all the blood? If that was really the aftermath of a 'zombie' attack on the school then there would be red stuff everywhere.

I think the milk was a total d!ck move on the part of whoever spilled it. But now the janitor (custodian?) can actually do his job!


Deadgirl loose in the world. She's not a random killer. She spared Rickie and Joann. So she is logical to a point. I think she would only kill those who piss her off or would hurt her.
