MovieChat Forums > Deadgirl (2013) Discussion > Why were there incubators in an abandone...

Why were there incubators in an abandoned asylum?

Enough said.



It was a mental hospital/poor farm. The kind shut down in the 90s. Women had children in them. Children lived in them. Mentally handicapped children were sent to them. Before there was security at the abandoned Psyche Center in Buffalo NY, I went with a ghost hunting group. It was full of medical equipment and beds and gurneys. Sheets. A cash register in the employee dining room. Music books. File cabinets full of papers. Two odder tings: A massive dollhouse, about 4 ft high and 5 ft wide in one of the tunnels. In an office, in the middle of the room, a pair of old, lacy pink baby shoes. Finding incubators would not be surprising. They were older, so as another poster said, they were likely found there by the crew.


It's a movie about an undead girl chained to a table in a basement and you ask why there are incubators????? lol
