Worst Movie Ever...

The WORST Film I Have Ever Paid to See in a Theatre
By Michael LiCastri

*This review contains spoilers* - I recently had the "opportunity" to see a screening of this film with several friends at the Florida Film Festival. Let me start by saying that because I'm a writer/filmmaker, I'm not prone to making hyperbolic, overdramatic statements like the one in my summary. But this film failed on every possible level : it was not aesthetically pleasing, the script was horrible in every way (poorly constructed dialogue, uncompelling story), the direction was uncompelling, and the acting was divided between insanely flat and insanely overacted.

The movie deals with necrophilia (a topic that in order to be compelling needs an insanely talented screenwriter), and fails at giving us characters that we can root for at all. The women are depicted as servile and stupid, and the men are depicted as dumb rapists. The main character, when forced to choose between letting his love interest die peacefully or turning her into a zombie and making her a sex slave, goes for the latter. This film's moral is "It's better to rape women than kill them." How is that even a possible choice for a moral?

The characters were poorly fleshed out and even more poorly acted. Essentially, we have horrible people being underplayed by bad actors which only highlights the original flaws in this insanely poorly written screenplay. The fact that this movie was not only written, but made, is pathetic. What is even scarier is that this director is being given money to make another film (a remake of a Danish film, what a surprise). He is taking away time, money and resources from talented people who could use them far more productively.

We then had the "pleasure" of meeting co director Gadi Harel, who is one of the most insufferable and smug people that I've ever met. I was left wondering how long he'd been in love with himself, and if the sex was any good. He had an air of arrogance not even remotely justified by the talent he displayed. More importantly, he acted dismissively towards the people that actually stayed around for the Q and A and glosses over questions that he didn't like.

By the way, I mentioned earlier in the review that I went with a group of friends. This is important because we all have fairly divergent tasted. ALL 6 of us hated the film. I don't think we've ever had a group consensus on a movie before. If you want a movie that allows you to bond with your friends over your hatred of it, Deadgirl is perfect. Otherwise, you've been warned.


"What is even scarier is that this director is being given money to make another film (a remake of a Danish film, what a surprise)."

'Scuse me? Why the hate on Danish cinema? And what Danish movie is he re-making?


I have no problem with Danish cinema at all. The "what a surprise" was a reference to the fact that Mr. Harel is untalented and cannot come up with a worthy idea on his own.

I have no clue what film it is that he's remaking.


Ow, damn. Considering he apparently prefers horror, I'm somewhat confused about which film he's going for. We're not exactly big on horror productions in Denmark.


Oh boy. I was rooting for the main characters to die almost from the very beginning of the movie. It takes a lot to offend me, but I was offended. On the behalf of my male friends, because the movie seems to imply that guys (not just perverted, twisted monsters, but regular guys) would actually jump atop a bound-down girl at the first chance they get, and on the behalf of myself – as a woman – because the girls in the movie were treated appallingly. It’s disgusting, guys. It’s just plain vile.

I watched the flick because I thought it would be violent, bloody, gory and maybe even offensive, but I didn’t think it would go to these lengths. I don’t mind movies going out of line, I don’t mind dark and terrible, but what I do mind is something that actually condones rape. If you’re a teenage boy, and you find a girl that is obviously unable to defend herself and she’s tied down, can’t communicate, then it’s all right to rape her because you’re horny? Yes, says this movie. Yes, it’s all right. Hey, if your favourite girl in the world doesn’t want you, it’s okay to lobotomise her, tie her down on your bed, and have your way with her. Go ahead, have fun, it’s okay because you’re a cute kid and you wouldn’t be able to get her any other way because women are evil anyway.

Sigh. At the end of the day, the movie isn’t the worst I’ve seen, it’s not badly filmed and the acting is decent enough for a horror flick, but it’s the message that bugs me out. After having watched this, my friend and I looked at each other, and we just said, what the hell?

I can honestly say that any guy that finds what these kids do in this movie to be defendable, to be all right, needs to go see a bloody shrink. I love horror movies, but this is just a thinly veiled sex-fantasy for some perverted old freak. It’s not ‘the worst movie ever’ but it’s absolute tripe offal.

There, that’s all I needed to say, and the one and only visit I’ll make to these boards. Have fun, folks.

"I like to viddy the old films now and again."


I don't get it. Just because the main character of the movie does something, it means it's being endorsed as okay? At the end of the movie Hannibal, the doctor is seen on an airplane with a to-go container of Ray Liotta's brains. Are we to infer from this that David Mamet and Ridley Scott are saying, "Hey kids how about that zany cannibalism there? You should give it a go?" Please.

Personally, I thought that the filmmakers did a pretty good job of conveying the revulsion on Ricky's part at what was going on. Then in the end, he went nuts because his girl told him to *beep* off. The fact the he seemed so serene during the outro, and the music was so calm, to my mind only served to heighten the fact that he was completely and totally bonkers. They waited till the last second to reveal that Ricky was an anti-hero at best. Kind of a cliched twist, but I thought they pulled it off decently.

Rather than the moral being "Hey, everybody should have a gross zombie sex slave, because that's all women are good for anyways." It seemed to me to be just a story about how a lot of men objectify women, and how screwed up people with no self esteem can get when they are in a situation with no consequences. Just a sick and twisted story about the really dark side of a broken male psyche, with no real moral at all since the "hero" failed and ended up totally deranged in the process.

In the end I thought this was a deeply messed up movie, with a pretty original script, rather ho-hum acting, but decent cinematography and music. It's certainly not the best horror/psycho-drama/zombie/whatever movie ever made, but it was a damn sight better that the "worst movie ever."


You can't quote Clockwork Orange and pretend to be disturbed at the immorality of Deadgirl...


I absolutely agree that this is a bad movie. I think I can see many movies that have disgusting subject content for example blob, evil dead, or various movies where zombies are having intercourse, wahtever.

This movie is bad not because of the plot itself (dead girl and sexual stuff) but because it is done in poor taste with poor cinematography. By poor taste I don't mean gore and guts, for example very graphic scenes of sex are bad taste. You cannot expect your audience to continue to watch the film if they see something grotesquely disgusting that could be avoided.

The girl was ugly, there was no plot,a s to why she is there, there is no background on the teenagers, as to why one of them wants to abuse the girl, another doesn't. Nothing makes sense.


it is done in poor taste with poor cinematography.

What was wrong with the cinematography? I didn't struggle to see anything. The images onscreen conveyed the narrative effectively. There were numerous visual techniques used for dramatic and artistic effect which served to enhance the film as a whole. All in all it was fairly professional and successful.

very graphic scenes of sex are bad taste.

Isn't that a description of porn? I didn't see any in this film. There was more graphic sex in Basic Instinct which isn't even soft porn.

You cannot expect your audience to continue to watch the film if they see something grotesquely disgusting

Graphic sex is disgusting? Moreso than the Blob or Evil Dead? That's a strange assertion.

Perhaps you mean graphic sex with a zombie is disgusting, even though you failed to specify. Although the scenes were not graphic as you state, the fact that it's disgusting is the whole point! It's a horror movie! It's supposed to horrify! Your statement that an audience would not watch something grotesquely disgusting overlooks the recent spate of torture porn films which achieved reasonable success at the box office. This movie pales in comparison with regards to grotesquerie.

The girl was ugly,


there was no plot,a s to why she is there,


there is no background on the teenagers,

Who cares?

as to why one of them wants to abuse the girl,

He's evil.

another doesn't.

He's good.

Nothing makes sense.

Actually it does. As plots go this one was pretty simple. The problem is that you're looking for a scientific schematic in place of an emotional experience. Not really the point of movies...


Your reply is your opinion. If I were wrong there wouldn't have been a lot of posts made on the boards about how bad this movie is.


I haven't rated a movie a 1 in a while, thanks Deadgirl! 1/10

Look at the night sky, where does it end?


I wouldn´t exactly say the worst movie ever but it´s certainly the most stupid horror movie I´ve seen in the past few months. One dimensional characters who u end up not giving a phuk about, retarded ending trying to send out a message (I prefer having my high-school sweetheart as a zombie sex-slave rather than her loving me in a realistic life, wtf), non graphic, non shocking... in a nutshell, not terrible but certainly not a movie I will remember in a few weeks time.



You've obviously never seen "The Item".



This movie wasn't the worst movie ever, it was just so stupid. To read at how proud the people that made the movie was and the fact that they thought it had some depth only tells me that they were dumber than the dumb movie they made. If you make a movie that's to supposed to be misogynistic and that's the feeling most people get from it, you're a dumb movie maker. If you think the characters you created have some depth and purpose, yet most people see them as stupid and unrealistic. You're a dumb filmmaker.

Talented and smart film makers make movies that connect with their audience and they and the audience are experiencing the same thing. IF talented and creative people made this movie the characters would've been more realistic, intriguing, and had interesting dialogue, the scary scenes would have been actually scary, and any message or allegories would've been clear and unforgettable.

I wonder what David Cronenberg or Takashi Miike would've done with this movie.


agreed on almost everything.

i think though that cronenberg and miike would be interested in such a simple subject matter. i mean the whole movie was about dudes boning a zombie. that basically the whole story. for those 2 directors that would not even be enough for the first page of the script, if you catch my drift.

apart from that, unfortunately there is a small audience for this film: dumb viewers. on this board there is a small group of people that have actually such small expectations, that this crap seems philosophical or even mindblowing to them. sad but true.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh
