The sniper scene
Is it me or do American directors love to kill off British personnel when it comes to movies that involve war. I really wouldn't be complaining if there wasn't so many things wrong with this scene.
Lets start of when Ralph feinnes gives away his position whilst firing the sniper rifle and gets killed by the enemy in the small brick hut. One shot and he misses and gets himself killed right.
Now an American steps up who hasn't shown he can use a sniper rifle. He is basically part of a bomb squad, and through out most of the movie we see him with an assault rifle in his hands. No one can just step up to a sniper rifle of that caliber, or any for that matter and just no how to use it and use it well. Maybe he does no how to handle a sniper rifle, but we are just not told about it. Which is just bad directing. It's like an assault trooper on the ground stepping into a helicopter and flying it just like that.
Ok so now Sanborn pulls himself upto the exact same position Feinnes was in when he got killed. Problem number one. If you're going to take up the exact position in where someone has just been shot and killed by a "SNIPER" then you've probably been smoking something. How in gods name is the enemy marksman not going to see someone else crawl up to a mounted sniper rifle when he would still have his sights on the same position after killing someone seconds before.
Problem number 2. When Sanborn fires the sniper rifle at the enemy and misses, he is literally doing the exact same thing feinnes did to get himself shot. Give away his position with a cloud of gun smoke without hitting his target. Now obviously Sanborn is in the same position when firing the weapon so the enemy marksman will no exactly where he is. But somehow the enemy sniper doesn't back an eye lid and gives them atleast 2 minutes to fetch another clip, whilst first class william james screams out at the top of his lungs "ELDRIDGE WE NEED MORE AMMO." That's basically like telling the other sniper "HEY I'M OVER HERE!!! THATS RIGHT IN THE SAME POSITION YOU SHOT THE LAST GUY WITH A CLOUD OF GUNSMOKE AND MY LOUD VOICE POINTING OUT THE OBVIOUS!!" But still the enemy marksman doesn't back an eye lid.
Problem number 3. 3-4 minutes after Eldridge hands them another clip (Whilst still maintaining the same position as a dead man.) Sanborn fires at the enemy on the roof of the hut killing both of them. The marksman inside the hut almost has around 6 odd minutes to kill Sanborn, but still doesn't fire a single shot. I mean seriously, is he playing with himself in there?
This whole scene is just an American director bastardizing a british force to make the American soldiers seem like heroes. It's an absolute load of bolox. And a situation which is pathetic. You don't crawl up to a dead mans position seconds after being killed from a sniper. And the enemy marksman doesn't just sit there for 10 minutes whilst they casually get some ammo and shout out each others names. Giving away there position more than three times.
The rest of the movie i like. And don't get me wrong I'm not calling out a debate on what force is better and what isn't. But god this just would never happen. I mean if the enemy marksman started firing back and missing Sanborn then you'd think it would be at least a little reasonable. But no, he doesn't fire a single shot. And when he does finally go to fire he gets killed straight away.