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The Hurt Locker (2008): Whats wrong with this board? (Why the hate?)
Post Edited: Tue Feb 17 2015 21:43:05
For my part, A 'Good Movie' is : A Good story, Told well.
10 films were nominated for 2010 Best Picture. I've seen five of them.
District9, Inglourious Bastards, Up and Up in the Air were really Good movies.
I did not find "The Hurt Locker" to be a Good movie.
Lets put realism and whether the camera is on a tripod or not, aside.
This movie is just one, big, disjointed mess; Plot and character wise.
Good directors, occasionally, make bad films.
What's unique here is, a bad film winning Best picture.
How did that happen? My guess; 10 nominees split the vote!
It worked out for Ms. Bigalow. I, for the most part, have moved on.
PS: Isn't the first rule of "Fight Club" (Another movie, I've not seen)
" Not to talk about Fight Club? " 😃