MovieChat Forums > The Hurt Locker (2009) Discussion > Why did this Movie won the Oscar - Best ...

Why did this Movie won the Oscar - Best Picture?

This movie is not bad, but its nothing special at all.
All of these things are just solid.
Only the story is new and enjoyable (only in a few parts).

District 9, Inglorious Basterds, Up in the Air, The Blind Side and even Avatar deserved it more to win.


Yeah, the movie wasn't anything special.

Maybe the awards were some attempt to show support for military personnel. (Not the invasion itself, but the men and women who were just doing their jobs.)

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


The people at the academy that voted don't agree with you is all.

I thought this film was better than all of those you listed, especially Avatar. I also thought the 3 leads in this film showed more emotion and had better acted scenes than anybody in those films as well.

I can recall the soundtrack from Inglourious Basterds, but other than that none of those categories struck me as memorable on those films so I'd agree with the academys choice on this one.

I'd love to see you in the moonlight with your head thrown back and your body on fire.


I wouldn't have voted it best picture myself so am clueless as to why it won. I actually didn't really think it was a good movie and I'll tell my reasons.

The bomb technician was made to look too cool because of his bravado. If I recall correctly, early in the film there was a situation where they dramatized him walking threw some smoke bombs or something to do something dangerous. I may be off a bit on the exact details since it's been so long since I watched it but hopefully you all know the scene I am talking abut. Anyways, I thought that scene was really overdone and as a result it seemed stupid. That scene poisoned the rest of the movie and nothing really made up for it.


The bomb technician was made to look too cool because of his bravado. If I recall correctly, early in the film there was a situation where they dramatized him walking threw some smoke bombs or something to do something dangerous. I may be off a bit on the exact details since it's been so long since I watched it but hopefully you all know the scene I am talking abut. Anyways, I thought that scene was really overdone and as a result it seemed stupid. That scene poisoned the rest of the movie and nothing really made up for it.

I really don't know who's joking and who's being serious online anymore. It's all becoming a blur.

I'd love to see you in the moonlight with your head thrown back and your body on fire.


The academy has been accused of being sexist for years. Bigelow is their scapegoat on these allegations.


It's because it's pro America obviously.


Did you actually watch the movie? It wasn't pro America at all. It took place within an American war but it doesn't comment on the war, doesn't comment on the countries fighting and basically is just a set up for the action in the movie. The fact these people are American is happenstance.



i actually think it was really great. Really got into the lives of a bomb disposal expert. It was thrilling to watch at times. I cant believe this isnt in the top 250


who cares about a bomb disposal expert? about as interesting as a story about a garbage collector


...Except garbage collectors don't have to defuse live explosives...


Hurt Locker should've won best actor or am I getting mixed up with Heath Ledger.


District 9, Inglorious Basterds, Up in the Air, The Blind Side and even Avatar deserved it more to win.

The Blind Side lol

The Hurt Locker won Best Picture because it's a very good movie. Out of those movies you mentioned, not one of them was clearly undeniably better, especially not the freaking Blind Side.


This was a great movie, but District 9 was a life changing movie.


District 9 was pretty stupid. If you actually appreciate FILM, none of those movies listed have anything on The Hurt Locker


Different strokes for different folks. It's just personal taste, Zippy. Can't say that I'm too impressed with yours.

' The Blind Side '? You're a moron.


Coming from an imbecile who rated Mr. Baseball higher than Scent of a Woman.


Know what's even funnier? He gave a better grade to American Pie than to Forrest Gump, Green Mile or Dead Poets Society.

Can't you just love the dumb ass haters? 


This comment was originally posted on
The Hurt Locker (2008): Whats wrong with this board? (Why the hate?)

Post Edited: Tue Feb 17 2015 21:43:05

For my part, A 'Good Movie' is : A Good story, Told well.
10 films were nominated for 2010 Best Picture. I've seen five of them.
District9, Inglourious Bastards, Up and Up in the Air were really Good movies.
I did not find "The Hurt Locker" to be a Good movie.
Lets put realism and whether the camera is on a tripod or not, aside.
This movie is just one, big, disjointed mess; Plot and character wise.
Good directors, occasionally, make bad films.
What's unique here is, a bad film winning Best picture.
How did that happen? My guess; 10 nominees split the vote!
It worked out for Ms. Bigalow. I, for the most part, have moved on.

PS: Isn't the first rule of "Fight Club" (Another movie, I've not seen)
" Not to talk about Fight Club? " 😃
