MovieChat Forums > Burn After Reading (2008) Discussion > Strangely, but the funniest scenes for m...

Strangely, but the funniest scenes for me..

are those that include conversations between CIA superior and CIA officer, when officer reports.


Not strange at all - hahaha!


mine too :)


Count me in too!!!


i couldnt stop laughing when George Clooney got paranoid at the park and run away from the woman, when he starts looking at everyone as if they are spies, ROTFLMFAO, that was a priceless awesome face and reaction, amazing, hahahaha


Yeah, the part where he tells him to LET him go to Venezuela because they have a no extradition clause cracked me up. I bet these kinds of conversations happen IRL all the time. LOL!


What about Clooney's meltdown, when he starts tearing his self made contraption apart and hurls the dildo against the wall?


The convos between the CIA chiefs was sublime.

Chad was super funny too. But John Malcovick asking the gym go "so your my wife's lover?" Cracked me up for some reason.

As if his cold, dr wife would have an affair with the Hardbodies guy.


Those scenes are a riot!



Those scenes were hilarious and performed by terrific actors. One scene that makes me laugh, and I am not even sure why, is the first meeting with the Russians when they present the CD.... "Mac or PC?"



I actually found those scenes instructive. Palmer puts on this reassuring "caretaker" tone with his boss, when told to take care of something, he often replies "Yes, sir", then follows up with an assuring nod and a quick "okay". I've taken to applying that tone to my team leaders when assigned certain tasks that I know they don't want to do themselves, and it's palpable how assuring it is to them. So thanks, Coen Bros, and thanks, David Rasche; well-played.



Those scenes made the entire movie....JK Simmons plays those roles the best (CIA Boss in this). He does a good job of it in thank you for smoking as well.
