The ending...

The most unfulfilling end to a movie ever. Nothing got resolved, just ended with one big mess.


I actually found the ending quite funny. He then closes that binder or ledger or whatever like "oh well." Then end credits.


First of all, there wasn't much to "resolve" to begin with, given that there was only an illusion of some kind of an overarching plot at work. But even so, by the end of the film, half of the main cast was dead while Clooney escaped to Venezuela and McDormand was handed her plastic surgery money; there was nowhere for the story to progress from there.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


The ending of this movie is my favorite part. I was nearly hysterical with laughter the first time I watched it. But I suppose this particular brand of absurdity isn't to everyone's taste.


Well the whole mess kind of started with Linda Litzke being unfulfilled and wanting cosmetic surgeries, and it finished with her getting her surgeries, so that's something.


Well the whole mess kind of started with Linda Litzke being unfulfilled and wanting cosmetic surgeries, and it finished with her getting her surgeries, so that's something.


The ending was logical to the movie as a whole. I laughed manically every time J.K. Simmons appeared on the screen. Such a great and funny actor.

Do you have any tobacco?
