Damn it White People.

So Kevin Hart is allowed to say this?

What about a white comedian? RIOTS..

Dude, that was SO not extreme!


I agree! This whole Liberal, Hollywood, anti- white agenda is almost too hypocritical. Nobody doesn't seem to care. If anything is said about any other racial group, they all scream like little bitches. Let it go & know that they are extremely jealous of our inventions, wealth, and intelligence.


I just saw the commercial and thought about this too.....and can only imagine the outrage had the line been "Damn it, Black people!"


look people there are somethings that just arent equal to, just as men can't call a woman a bitch and not expect to get smacked but women call each other bitches all the time, aren't equal because of the historical legacy be it racism sexism all the isms... so get over it.



What the hell are you talking about?

Dude, that was SO not extreme!


Because white people don't have a long history of being oppressed, enslaved, beaten, unfairly arrested, tortured, lynched and murdered. That's why, you cretin. If you were able to form complex thoughts, you'd understand that it is not the same.

"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis


You sound like one of those morons who thinks black people cannot be racist.


Yes they do you moron.
There is not a race on this planet that doesn't have a long history of slavery and oppression.

They just don't whine about it as much as black people do.


He isn't the one who needs to get over something.


I know what u mean But we have to be above that sort of thing. Like I think it's silly when people get so easily offended by stuff in media (that whole Ninja Please. Thing). But If I think getting offended by stuff like that is stupid than I can't be offended when people say stupid *beep*


Let's say that Hart said "Damn it, boss!" Now imagine that his boss said the same about a subordinate. Do you think audiences will see it the same way? The power relationship is still pretty evident in racial matters. The black unemployment rate, for instance, is about double the rate for whites.


The power relationship is still pretty evident in racial matters. The black unemployment rate, for instance, is about double the rate for whites.

Nothing can be an excuse for black racism.


Incorrect, it was written by Jewish Jeremy Garelick. Everyone knows Jews are hell-bent on undermining the goyims.

I don't have TIME for this Mickey Mouse bullsh!t!!!


Incorrect, it was written by Jewish Jeremy Garelick. Everyone knows Jews are hell-bent on undermining the goyims.


I'm always reminded of this Stand-up routine.


I don't let anyone hot-comb out my HAIRitage!


Oh can we stop the poor white person crap? White people have never been treated the way most others have at some point in this country and others. That's the difference.



Umm, try less than 40. Lynchings of blacks occurred until the late 1960's, and I'm sure there were even a few in the early 70's.
And how about a small thing like Blacks were not allowed into most Country Clubs until the 90's.

Yes both are still are a few generations ago, but still within our lifetime. And the damages from the time period are lasting.

The only difference is now being racist is taboo, so we hear white people cry foul about the "double standards" that black people can get away with.

And for the record as a black woman, I don't give a rat's ass if a white person does say "damn, black people" in a stupid comedy movie. (Although normally even in movie world, if a white person says it they do get punched or ridicule)

It's all about context and delivery for any joke, and if it's done in a funny matter and I laugh that's all I care about.


Really!? Go pick up a *beep* book. Italians were never slaves? The Irish were never slaves? Over 70 years ago, Jews weren't almost wiped off the face of the Earth? Are you retarded? How bout we stop with the "White people never been treated the way most others have."

Why don't you go pick up a book. Knock of your obvious closed minded ideology, where nothing bad happens to white people, only other races. That's the problem with race in this country. This is basically how it is right now...

Person 1:"Hey, stop generalizing people!"

Person 2:"Yea, Let's march and protest about people generalizing a race of people"

Person 1:"Hey yeah, let's go protest, and at the same time, generalize all white people as having some mythological privilege. Can get jobs whenever they want. Don't deal with people calling them racial names. Are racist, and have never historically been through s**t."

That's basically what's going on. People like to tell white people to walk in other people shoes. Do those same people offer to walk in our shoes? Because I hate to tell you Celeste317, but our shoes are the same. It's people like you, who generalize, and keep racism going. And I know, you'll walk away from this post going "I'm not racist." But yet, you wanna generalize a whole race.

White people have never been...are you serious!? Like really? Go pick up a book, go see both sides of something, instead of being closed minded. "Oh, because I don't know it happened to white people, means it didn't happen."


No bother explaining it to him, it would likely go over his head anyways. It's basically a sickness one develops when playing the victim card for too long. After awhile, they believe that they're the only ones who ever suffered in the history of the world.....end of story!


πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 




I have a huge problem with the double standard of racism by the media. But to be historically correct. Italians, Irish and Chinese were never technically slaves. They were more like indentured servants to the railroad and infrastructure companies in America. Chinese being treated the worst. Almost slaves but not quite. They didn't come here strapped to boards against their will in the bowels of ships like the Africans.

As far as Africans. History glosses over the fact that tribal chiefs were selling their own people, complicit with the evil white slave traders.

But all that has no bearing in today's problems. Black folks get every governmental advantage. Welfare, housing, medicaid, food stamps, higher education grants, low interest home loans. reverse discrimination/affirmative action. The list of leg-ups goes on. Yet there's still a problem.


I don't know dude white people get everything you just mentioned except affirmative action but you know being white is a leg up. You don't have to admit it was but I will. All those supposed governments leg ups will never make amends for a system designed for us. No matter what you say it was no more than 50 years ago that laws were in place to discriminate. Laws buddy not some backdoor, hush, unwritten rule. There were governmental laws authored by our very own congress meant to discriminate actual written rules so sorry but 50 years ago is a half of a generation. So after all the effort to keep people at bay you think all of a sudden everything is going to be hunky dory let bygones be bygones. I know we hung you guys wrongly convicted many of you recently let you vote and assimilate. No hard feelings. Dude read a little



Right, and there's no such thing as improvisation.


You don't even know what improvisation is, go learn it, you stupid ass.


I just saw the movie an hour ago...and although I remember hearing him say it, and I did do a little eyebrow raise... but I can not recall the context... so it's really forgettable for me.
