MovieChat Forums > Man vs. Wild (2006) Discussion > Why are they acting as if he's alone?

Why are they acting as if he's alone?

I like the show, but
why is Bear always saying things like " I've got to try and get across this bridge or cliff etc". And the camera is sometimes already there before him, or one time it showed him running past the camera and the camera was fixed and shot him running away in the distance. Then a new camera is right there with him. Obviously he stopped running and went back to rejoin the crew, it's just silly to show him running away from the camera just to be rejoined the next second.

And when he says "I need some energy fast because I'm dead tired" and he eats some maggots or whatever...isn't the cameraman as hungry, and doesn't he also need some energy? He never gets anything! Doesn't Bear like to share?

But I imagine they have some Big Mac's with them anyway which they eat when the camera is turned off :)


I like the show as well and I can see your point that it comes off weird, but the problem with MvW is that they tried to sell off Bear as if he was alone, but in reality he wasn't... Now with all of the edited advice it comes off weirder.

I can't wait for Michael Bay to direct Care Bears. Using real bears so it can be more realistic.


A person would have to be retarded to think he was ever alone.



exactly you'd have to be a *beep* idiot to think he was alone....seriously wtf
Eric C 4 Prez


You know the cameraman's backpack is filled with bacon-wrapped Fillet Mignon and jugs of Vitamin Water.


they're acting as if he's alone because it's 1 man vs. nature. He's tell you how to deal with something if you're caught in a survival situation.

You basically asked a question and kind of answered it yourself...



Disclaimer states.. "Occasions are sometimes presented to Bear to demonstrate survival techniques.."

Of course some of its staged, would you want any sort of money to put your life in danger, just to show other people how survuve?

No. You wouldn't.

Watch Survivorman, sometimes he walks past a camera by about 40-50 feet..
Is he really alone? otherwise why would he walk past just to go back 40 feet to pick up the camera?

Man vs Wild is by far superior, camera crew or not.


"Watch Survivorman, sometimes he walks past a camera by about 40-50 feet..
Is he really alone? otherwise why would he walk past just to go back 40 feet to pick up the camera?"

- That is one of the things that wore les down. not only did he have to lug 50 pounds of cam gear around, but he constantly had to go back and forth to retrieve cameras just to get shots of him doing rock climbing or whatever. It made the show more slick than just doing POV cam shots all the time.



Well its safe to assume that he has a screw who are properly Gd up and well supplied.

The shows is as fake as it is simply down to them having to not only drag the crew around but also the safety backups they need.

Bear can probably survive as well as he shows, but its also something thats extremely risky.


he states every episode "the camera men will be over the etc"
so idk how you never caught that
"That wasn't flying, that was........falling with style"


What's up with all the animosity in the responses? It's not "retarded" to think that someone would do this show alone. As a matter of fact, Les Stroud does "Survivor Man" alone. He is his own cameraman, director, cinematographer etc. That's why I have a lot more respect for Les. He IS risking his life to make his show more realistic. He has a crew stationed somewhere in the area, but he is still on his own for a while if anything bad happens. The fact that Bear always has a crew following him doesn't make the show less fun, but it does make it more about ENTERTAINING an audience with a flamboyant show because the danger isn't really there- his crew can save him in split second.


Makes no sense people are calling it fake, it is about showing survival tactics not actually trying to survive alone you know.


And that is why his show sucks. Bear actually takes risks and walks more than 5 feet away from camp. Les sits on his fatty butt all day and waits to get rescued. Maybe he should stop thinking about all the man-sausage he is going to suck and actually try to rescue himself. But it doesn't really matter anyway because his show was cancelled. Booyah!

Oh so when Bear Grylls was charging at those reindeer and his crew was filming him from far away, they could save him in a second? Yeah, didn't think so. And there is no risk of him falling and breaking his neck? I'd like to see his crew save him then. Les doesn't have to worry about that because he doesn't move. Moron.


I wouldn't be so hastey to be calling others morons, ello_govna27y.

Yes, Les Stroud does have a party to help him in a few situations where things can quickly go downhill (Stranded at sea, alone in an arctic tundra...), but they are NEVER readily at hand, not once, however, Bear will always have his camera crew right by his side, much more available than any help Les recieves.

When you say Les never moves, I have to ask, have you ever watched Survivorman? He's constantly on the move, surviving just like Bear, and again, if you have ever watched the show then you would know he is not always picked up from where he survives, about half the time he has to find his own way out, AFTER seven initial days alone. Bear usually takes 3-4 days to find salvation, so if anything, Les deserves recognition for his stamina in these situations.

Now, to clarify, I do not prefer one show to the other, I don't think they should be compared, ever, they are two very different concepts. Man Vs Wild is more of a guide on how to survive in these different scenarios, using a camera crew and some staged scenes to show you what you should do given the situation. Survivorman however is more of a "watch me survive" rather than "how to survive" show, showing less "this is how you do this" as he has to deal with 50 pounds of extra equipment along with shooting everything, meaning he does a ton of his stuff twice.

Both men deserve respect in their seperate areas, sure Bear does some ballsy stuff such as roping across ravines and eating some questionable materials, but he's also younger and has help more readily available than Les.

I'm sick of these disputes and these morons so ready to adamantly defend their prefered show, there's no reason for one to be better than the other, you're getting mad at an orange for not being an apple.



You're missing my point buddy.



Haha, wow kiddo, calm down. After reviewing your past posts, I can tell you are nothing but a disgruntled brat caught up on trivial things about the show, please, continue to get upset over me being "wrong".

Poor guy :)



I'm glad to see that rather than responding in a completely childish manner and resorting to cop out internet insults such as "LOL HE GAY", you stayed completely level headed and acted your age.

Thank you govna.


Hahahahah hellz yeah I did. That's how I roll Mustustus. Get ova it. I do what I want.

No, really, thank you Mustustus.


I enjoy watching BEAR because he's showing you what to do. regardless of having crew around to 'rescue' him.
Im pretty sure they have their own food and water (no one should care whether they do the same stuff to survive as Bear, its not about them)

I really like watching Bear finding random insects,mammals, etc and finding out whats really edible.

Id like to see him do some Canadian episodes, not entirely sure where he'd do it at but it'd be nice.


I have to agree with you. It's pretty ridiculous how these people have become a cult and worship at these men, ready to defend their respective "survivors". While all of you are arguing who's real and who's fake and for reasons unknown who has bigger balls.. Both men know how to survive and neither lie about how they survive. Bear never states he is by himself or without help. One thing is certain though, both Bear and Les are high fiving each other laughing at these arguments with deep pockets full of cash...

*Silly Rabbit Trix Are For Kids*


As dr. House often says: Are you an idiot? Of course, he's not alone, but...this is a show, that counts on realism, so what do you expect? Every time he climbs up a mountain or jumps into a muddy swamp to say: Oh, I forgot, my camera man is here with me and so are 10 other guys? What are you, a morron? One time only Bear mentioned the crew he takes with him - he was in a desert, I can't recall was it Sahara or some other desert, but he said that a few members of the crew got a sun stroke, so they had to be collected by a hellicopter. So that's it, you cannot expect him to say: Hey, here we are, a bunch of guys, eating beans and saussages around the fire - that's a show about man defeating the nature, or more likely working his way out with nature's only help. So the crew must be shadowed in order to keep the reality in the show. And once more: are you an idiot???


just watching it now. He finds a canoe and fixes it up to go down river. The crew is obviously in a white water rafting boat behind him filming as he goes.


How retarded can people be? without a film crew you wouldn't be watching this show! Get a brain! and at least he demonstrates how to do these things so you few numbskulls with a few memory cells might remember how to survive (question why) when you walk away from the tourist paths. ie.-"Let's go pet the Rhinos!" P.S. Please avoid reproducing-Thanx. Oh yeah, and would you like to be a part of the film crew? Didn't think so.

The more I think, the more I am?


The problem isn't the film crew filming. But the film crew gets all Bears food, since he can't, helps him out of sticky situations, etc. He can't do anything without them. Some survivor.

According to the BBC, global temperature has not risen in eleven years.


I'd rather be Bear than the film crew. They do everything he does with camera gear in their hands.

You will have our sausages.


and they do it better. They caught a rabbit in the Scotland episode, when Bear couldn't. They got the fish, I think it was one of the Alaska episodes, when Bear could not.

According to the BBC, global temperature has not risen in eleven years.


I actually have more respect for that guy who did that show, "Alone in the Wild" where you could see how things in wildlife REALLY is and being could how he deteriorates healthwise and even mentally you can see depression sink in.he was supposed to stay 3 months and lasted 50 days. While the likes of Bear has the whole Discovery team watching his back.



Bear has mentioned in many episodes that he always has at least one cameraman with him. The way Bear's show works is that the cameraman follows Bear as he lives and demonstrates survival techniques in the wilderness. He isn't allowed to eat, sleep or use tools from the cameraman who obviously carries basic camping needs with him. In a few episodes Bear had to assist the cameraman in certain situations like jumping across a ridge or climbing down a waterfall.

In Survivor Man, Les goes out with the cameras himself and actually stays out for 7 days by himself. He is trained in using cameras and tapes himself. He comments on the hardships of having to create scenes by placing a camera down to tape himself walking then come back for the camera after the shot. Survivor Man is a much more plausible show in this manner.



In what way was it perfectly said? He just copied what everyone else says.



No one should have to not live on this board to not know every single thing someone didn't say, and I do, and nor shouldn't someone not have to in order to not make a comment.



Non-sensically awesome.



Haha what are you like 12?



Man you are an idiot.




Jesus H. Christ. Of course I am an obsessed chick. That is why I created this account. I needed something to fill the time between masturbations.


You're an idiot because I called you a 12 year old simply to get a reaction out of you and it worked. And you went all psycho on the message boards because of it. You don't win. You just made a fool of yourself, thats all precious. Keep coming back for yet another dose of I'm awesome and you're not.



You need to calm down there tiger. Maybe have one less juice box with lunch, kid.



Shhhhhh. Shhhhh. Its okay. Shhhhhh. Ello's here. Ello won't let anyone hurt you. Shhhhhhhhhhh. Breathe. Calm down. Shhhhhh.

