How is should have ended...

Near points out that Light Yagami's name isn't on the deathnote... see Kira's follower would never kill the real kira..

Matsuda: and face it light, you said "I won", that's a confession.

Light laughs manically... (he starts thinking very quickly)

Light: You don't get it do you, I have caught Kira right in front of your eyes.

(everyone gasps)

Light: Recently, Mimi confessed to me that she is the real Kira. I have known for a while that she loves me, she confessed her undying love for me on more then one occasion, but I believe she didn't believe that I loved her yet when we where first met... she waited this long until she was sure that I love her back.. and so she finally revealed her secret to me. I quickly contemplated what I should do... after what me and her have been through I was racking my brain as to what I should do.. I came to the conclusion that even if I rat her out how would I beable to catch the second Kira? I couldn't risk asking her for the location of the second Kira... so I asked how you have been doing this the whole time, and finally about how she contacted the second Kira, she said she used a SMS messages to give orders to the second Kira...
So I sneaked her phone one night and just in case I traced one of the SMS messages she had received to find the location.. then over SMS message with Mimi's phone I gave orders to the second Kira to make sure to have his notebook replaced with a fake one... then to come to this meeting place at the right time and write the names of everyone down except for me Light Yagami (he does as hes ordered, he doesn't question gods will so makes sense)... so that I could catch the second Kira right in front of your eyes.
So you see... I have won... though I was very lucky to have Kira fall in love with me, its ironic that I would be suspected of being Kira, along with the real Kira...

both Kira's are arrested, Mikami Teru kills himself as originally (Mimi confesses because she believes shes doing it for Light, sacrifice herself to protect him.. makes sense)

Lets face it this ending would have been better, it would be more characteristic of Light to lie his way out like he always has, Mimi to sacrifice herself to protect him and actually would get away with it. Though of course they would still be a little skeptically, and theres no way he would get the Deathnote back... but he still has a small piece of a page from the deathnote, he gains the Shinigami eyes with the deal and writes Nears real name in it and plans for him to die suddenly way later on as a suicide/accident so it isn't suspicious.

Or at least end it like they did in the Manga.

Not sure why they changed the circumstances of Light's death in the anime. It was much more sinister to have Ryuk say something like "it's been fun, but now you die" in front of everyone rather then see him sitting on a roof top. The images of Ryuk's eyes and the terror in Light's eyes were so intense and gripping. It was hard to watch Light fall so far in the manga when he was manic and desperate enough to ask Ryuk for help to kill Near. In the manga they also remind the readers that in the beginning Ryuk told Light the owner of the death note was cursed with misfortune when coming into contact with a Shinigami and he would write his name in his book one day. Also they end on a redemptive note in the manga, as Kira still is revered as a god after death (even though his soul/essence has faded to nothingness because of using the Deathnote but his memory lives on in the faithful, and this religious following also demonstrates how faith/worship and trust are often misplaced in a false prophet/messiah) The images and intensity of the scenes in the manga was so much more exciting than the anti-climatic scenes in the amine.


I was honestly expecting Light to, of course, anticipate Near as he does, but instead counting on the fact that the notebook would've been fake and getting Mikami to write down the names of everyone, including Light himself, excluding Near, therefore pointing to the conclusion that Near was in fact Kira. In the confusion and daze thereafter, Mikami would then draw a concealed piece of the notebook and write down the names of everyone, excluding Light. In the forty seconds Light would then reveal that he had all along been the true Kira and that it was now too late for anyone to act upon this information; in the chaos of everyone dying, Light would then take that chance to write down Mikami's name on his watch paper, as to claim his rightful place as the one and only true Kira, just forty seconds later.

That, or I was still clinging on to the possibility that somehow L was able to communicate and make a deal with Rem, who we know despises Light, and therefore fake his own death, along with Rem faking hers. Only in faking his own death, would L be able to have the proof substantial enough to know that, as he already does, Light is in fact Kira. In this circumstance, we would then assume that L has managed to obtain the second notebook, leading to a face off between him and Light. Light would have to make the deal before being able to kill L, which wouldn't give him enough time to act; L would not write down Light's name through his own morals and the knowledge that Rem and Ryuk have the ultimate power in deciding who lives and who dies; which I would presume would result in the definite death of Light, and the death of L uncertain, depending on whether Light was able to make the deal in time and write L's true name.


Light expects everyone to die. None dies. Light pulls a submachine gun, kills everyone the old fashioned way.



I think L should have ended up a hero after dieing... after light getting relief and enjoying his victory on Ls death, his life should have filled with surprises and traps by L. the rest of episodes if turned playing Ls plan all along to the end and busting light could have been a wonderful ending.
