To each their own, but I don't think either CASTLE or GRAVE are particularly bad dubs. They're not perfect, but they're far from the worst I've heard. Only the non-Disney dub of LAPUTA (in which the protagonists don't sound as old, but are pretty lame and robotic, and the script, despite being less chatty, is just plain choppy and stilted) and WARRIORS OF THE WIND as well as Streamline's older dub of AKIRA truly qualify as the worst dubs. Those three were truly awful, hideous dubs.
But Disney's CASTLE IN THE SKY is certainly not anywhere near the level of those aforementioned dubs. Even if the leads are less than perfect, they still did OK to my ears, and other than that there's a lot about the dub that makes it one that I enjoy unreservedly. I've never understood the backlash, and frankly, I don't care. Are there places where it could be better? Sure. But it's not at all bad. The somewhat mature-leads and sometimes too chatty dialogue are only trivial issues to me; the rest of the cast and the new score make up for it by far.
By contrast, GRAVE is unfortunately weaker, but it's hardly terrible to my standards. It's just an "average" dub. Not great, not terrible, just mediocre. I do think the Japanese VA for Setsuko is a bit more realistic (I steer around this argument for Pazu and Sheeta because both are 13-14 in the film, although it's never really mentioned how old either are; and boys' voices tend to hit puberty at varying ages, so there's a bit of flexibility in how either character can be voiced; but since Setsuko is supposed to be four years old, then the need for authenticity is more important—of course the actress playing her in the dub is hit and miss, so that's a problem, too), but otherwise there isn't anything deal-breaking or outstanding about it. It's simply an "OK" dub to me.
Likewise, I really don't understand the backlash against Disney's TOTORO; to me, it's a solid dub, and on par with the FOX dub. True, Lisa Michelson and Cheryl Chase were great back then, but the Fanning Sisters did solid jobs as well—casting two actual sisters was a clever casting decision IMO and I felt their genuine emotions paid off well. The adults were well played in both versions, although the Disney dubbed songs in TOTORO did sound a bit too gung-ho as opposed to the softer reinditions in the FOX dub. Still, that's no major issue, and I like both tremendously.
My problem with CAGLIOSTRO's dub is that sometimes the use of profanity seems too unnecessary, especially since this is a lighthearted movie. That said, it's not like it harms the film or anything; I liked the characters' VAs just fine, and thought they all performed well... although I hadn't seen the older Carl Macek dub, so I can't say how it compares.
Trust me, I HAVE seen my share of horrible dubs, but those abovementioned efforts are not among them. They are decent to good dubs, and ones I don't mind listening to. (Less so for GRAVE, although even then that dub is at best "OK".)
Yes, I DID see SPIRITED AWAY and HOWL, and I do think the dubs on both were done very well, but they just aren't my favorite Ghibli dubs. I find that any of the other Disney-produced efforts have just as much to admire about them.
In the end, it's just a your mileage may vary thing. I'm not the sort of person who prefers Anime in Japanese, and I don't see anything particularly wrong about the dubs Disney has made. They may not be perfect, but they're nowhere near bad; otherwise Miyazaki wouldn't have allowed them to be released.
Also, what one person may consider a grevious flaw others may think otherwise. There's no "right" or "wrong" way to see these movies; only preferences. And not everyone believes that the dubs are bad at all. (Yes, that even includes the ones that folks here on IMDB love to trash so much.)
And for the record, I HAVE seen CASTLE IN THE SKY, NAUSICAA, PORCO ROSSO, and HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE one time in Japanese, but I personally like the dubs better because I can't connect with Anime in a language I can't understand. (And in the case of the former film, I wasn't enamored with the Japanese VAs for Pazu or Sheeta—both sounded quite shrill and shrieky; even if James and Anna weren't perfect for these two characters and perhaps sounded a tad too mature, I prefer them overall. Strange as that may sound.)