MovieChat Forums > Jungle Cruise (2021) Discussion > If you saw this movie in theaters...

If you saw this movie in theaters...

Then you’re part of the problem.

You woke up one day, decided that you’re gonna go see a movie about a Disney Ride, wasted $2.30 on gas to get there, another $10 on a ticket, and then you actually sat there and watched this steaming pile of garbage even though you knew The Rock would be in it, and that he would play himself like he does in everyone of his god damn films.

Shame on you people, shame shame shame!!!


I saw it. Took my kids, ate popcorn, the whole 9 yards. We had a good time. Get out and support your local theater people. Help the local economy and support those people who put on a name tag and go to menial job. I want all brick and mortars to remain open and I want people to have jobs.

OP you can straight kiss my a$$. You’re a stuck up prick. Grown folks are gonna do what they want and it’s none of your business. You don’t see me coming down to the gay bar criticizing you for how you spend your free time. Piss off


Wow, I feel bad for your children. They’re gonna grow up with crappy taste in movies, just like Papa Bear.


Says the guy who wants to sniff Britney spear’s butt. I’m not sure your opinion matters about anything. Loser


You married a whale and she’s turned you into an asexual dweeb, not my problem buddy.


Number 1, my wife is smokin hot. She weighs like 115 so piss off

Number 2, let’s get into this Britney Spears thing. You seriously started that thread. Did you do this between classes at your high school? Or did you sneak your phone into detention? Because you can’t be more than 12 years old.


I’m not the one going to see movies aimed at kids and adults with learning disabilities.

I watch grown up movies like Vertigo and Blue Velvet. You mine as well sit at the little kids table this Thanksgiving.


You should sit next to my kid at the kids table so he could teach you how to spell "might", because you obviously were trying to spell it m-i-t-e and it got auto-corrected to "mine". 🤣 Fuckin morons , I swear.


A pathetic troll like you wouldn’t have children, you’re probably 42 years old and still living in your mom’s basement.

You sound really angry, like a MAGA supporter. Why so angry kiddo?


Really, that's your pathetic reply to my devastating burn? You're beneath me at this point. I'd already suspected it, but thanks for confirming.


Wow, almost 6,000 posts and the best reply you can muster is “you got burned”? 🤣😂🤣


"my devastating burn"? That's pretty funny.


OP you can straight kiss my a$$. You’re a stuck up prick.

If he is, I am also. Look, I decided back in 2016 that Disney and the rest of Hollyweird doesn't need my money. I think what they support is a cancer on the country I love. I'm sure that they don't want this racist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic conservative's tainted money.

I haven't set foot in a movie theater since 2016 nor will I ever again except for my own home theater - which has clean restrooms, superior cuisine, more comfortable seats, better sound and picture, and I can rewind if someone mumbles a line.

I will see this this film on my Android streaming device for free if I chose to or if my wife wants to see it.


Superior cuisine lol. Who talks like that? It’s popcorn you goof. Yes I’d say you too, are an uppity prick. Too good to get out and slum it with us peasants.

Why did you even feel the need to inform us that you are a conservative? Who cares?


Why did you even feel the need to inform us that you are a conservative?

I would think it was obvious - the OP distinctly mentioned "wokeness", which his the darling of the left to the annoyance of the right. The original post is indeed political in nature.

Hollyweird's leftist policies are the specific reason I won't trouble them with my tainted monies or improve the general assembly with my presence. I mentioned that I was conservative so there'd be no doubt.

And yes, superior cuisine. We often make popcorn yes, but I will also make home made pizza or NY strip steaks for my theater guests before the movie starts, and after we will have coffee and my wife's home made apple pie.


Wow look how fancy you are lol. You poor souls who are so easily offended by politics are so weak minded. So fragile

“This movie is too woke for me”. “This movie is too racist for me”. “Hollyweird thinks I’m tainted”. Lol

Dude grow up. It’s a movie about a big dude and a hot blonde driving a boat through the jungle. Turn your sensitive brain off and let yourself be entertained. Throw a couple bucks at the college kid serving popcorn because he/she needs that damn job. The theater needs to stay open so they can create jobs. The last thing we need is more empty brick and mortars. If you still can’t stomach a silly jungle movie then go see the Matt Damon movie. It’s about a conservative who’s trying to get his daughter out of prison. But get over yourself. You’re no better than me because you have a home theater. I also have a badass home theater but I’m not too hung up on sh!t to get out and go to the movies. Bunch of snowflakes


I am grown up, thank you. In fact, grown up enough to not hurl random ad hominem attacks at another Chatter.

And despite your lefty attempt to use snowflake as an insult, I am not too hung up on shit or anything else. As I already said earlier, I'll see this at some point if it interests me enough to watch it without remunerating the leftists who are rotting America's core.

I honestly don't care about the movie industry or any of the ancillary bits that might be feeding at its teat. If the local theater folds, so be it. I am an American first, and Hollywood's messages just don't jive with mine.


Yeah just let all the small businesses close and the jobs dry up. What a great American you are.

You don’t have to go to the theater yourself. I can already tell you would be happier in your basement with a tin foil hat on reading conspiracy theories. But don’t criticize anyone else for going. Mind your business Nancy

The left has real estate in your head and there are plenty of dumb lefty’s who rent out headspace to the right as well. You’re both idiots. Both have paper thin skin. Both little snowflakes.

Politics are what’s rotting America. Neither side is the good guy.


If everyone could find comfort in ignorance, there would be a lot of very happy people.


Is this a Q drop?


LOL. You have amused me with your post.

I agree that we need to get out and support the local theater (and brick-and-mortar stores in general). I went just this weekend to see Free Guy.

I have to concede I was disappointed in Jungle Ride though. It'd not that it was bad; it was just mediocre. Like a 6.5.


You have a point, but at the same time, what you're saying is pointless.

Most people are stupid, and most don't want to, or can't, think about complex things. Even plenty of intelligent people haven't been educated, and/or haven't trained their minds to focus on, or understand, anything complex. That's why the most popular films, and books, and songs, and foods, and pretty much everything else, have always been geared towards the dumbest people. You've no doubt heard the statement "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public," which is a paraphrasing of something H.L. Mencken once wrote, and it's true. Movie studios want to make money, and they've learned over the past century and change that films that pander to the lowest common denominator nearly always bring in the highest profit.

So yes, of course paying to see "Jungle Cruise" is idiotic, but most the people who do so are idiots, and you can't expect them to do otherwise.


It is “the taste of the American public.” Mencken wrote very precisely. Intelligent people can have atrocious taste.


That's why I said it is paraphrase of something he wrote, though his original quote doesn't mention taste. Mencken's actual words were:

“No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”

That's a bit wordy, and personally I think the shorter version that I originally quoted gets the point across in a better way.



The movie cost me $6, not sure about the gas. I don't watch enough The Rock movies to know what to expect.
Didn't hate the movie, but not what I go to the theater for.


While i hate disney for the last years (maybe hate is a word too strong) I do like The Rock ...

Still I wouldn't see it in the cinema.


I walked out of the theater approximately halfway through the movie, however, I'm an A-List subscriber so seeing the movie cost me nothing extra, and I had a free popcorn/soda coupon.
