Western media fuels self-hating Asian phenomenon
Excerpt from the following post:
"How come in Hollywood flicks we see mostly see Black-Black couples, or Latin-Latin couples, but Asian women are always paired with a White guy? It seems like most TV shows and movies in the past ten years exclusively pair an Asian girl with a White (or Black) guy romatically. Asian men are being completely suppressed and excluded in television and film.
It blows my mind that no Asian actresses are willing to object to the scripts, or fight against these negative stereotypes. They don't understand the power of TV/film to mold the way people think. Way too many AA writers and creators these days have self hate or White worship.
These shows affect kids. Teens, especially girls, judge themselves on others' opinions, and are easily influenced. Young, insecure Asian girls are conditioned through social norms/media to 'act White' and want only White men (self hate), and young Asian American boys growing up in the US are conditioned to think they are unattractive. Some Asian youth resolve identity conflict by developing self-hate and bashing their heritage, family, and people (ex 'I won't date Asians', or criticizing other Asians).
Whether it be fashion magazines, gossip mags, TV, movies, or our friends, all of us are influenced and emulate in some way what we see on screen. Entertainment can be as influential as advertising. So many shows and movies in America demean Asian men, while perpetuating an 'Asian Girl Fetish' in this country. It is Hollywood Colonialism."
Excerpt from Steve Penner's “The Truth About Dating” article:
http://www.seacoastonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070511/OPIN ION04/70511017/-1/OPINION05
"Of all the races, African-American women were the most insistent about wanting to meet only African-American men. But most of those women excluded black men who had recently moved to New England from Africa or the Caribbean.
The one major exception to the finding that women wanted to meet men of their own race was Asian women, a vast majority of whom stated that they strongly preferred meeting non-Asian men.
The primary explanation offered by most Asian women was that they wanted to be matched with tall men, and they insisted that practically all of the Asian men they knew were short. But when I would ask if they would be willing to meet an Asian man if he were tall, most would simply shake their head and say they would rather not."
Gina Choe, an unfortunate casualty of the brainwashing Western media:
Self-hating issues related to asian people seem almost acceptable and regarded as casual conversation topics:
http://www.hyphenmagazine.com/blog/2008/05/self-hating-comedian-on-las t-c.html
Asian-American media figures do very little to combat the racist portrayal of Asian people and in Lucy Liu's case, have no problem perpetuating the negative effects of mass media brainwashing: