Does anyone actually like it?

I thought this movie was really a total insult to the series, butstill find myself enjoying it. I am not saying its good movie, its crap, but does anyone esle actually like the absolute terribleness of it? ANyone enjoy how campy, and poor and stupid it is?
I actually liked Brendan Fraser in this. Honestly.

I doubt it haha


I completely enjoyed this movie in the same way that I enjoyed the first two- fun, light, easy to digest entertainment. Didn't like it as much as the first, but I'd put it on par with the second movie. I actually thought it was better constructed than Mummy Returns (in terms of plot, pacing, balance of story vs action, less CGI than the overuse in the second film, etc), but Mummy Returns was more fun to watch and had a better chemistry with the cast.

I really still don't understand all of the hate, to be honest. It was trying to be a big, loud, dumb, fun movie. It succeeded. The first two weren't the high are people make them out to be.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


Why I forgot that

Isabella Leong was only the best in this film and this film was more enjoyable than Indy 4

SCRE4M : Cinematic Orgasm of 2011


I find it good fun, strangely. Devoid of artistical merit, sure, but when you're a sucker for action/fantasy/adventures, anything that fits the bill gives you an unwarranted amount of glee. I happen to be said sucker.


I loved the first 2 and even though the 3rd one wasn't that good compared to the first two, I still enjoyed it.


I am a huge fan of the first two movies. Probably some of my favorite films! This third installment is a sort of guilty pleasure for me. I enjoy it, but the replacement of Rachel was a bit heart-breaking. If Rachel was in it I would have enjoyed this film immensely more. But I still find amusement in it.

Check out my videos!


Better than Battlefield Earth, but this has the saving grace of Michelle Yeoh in it.


I like it. And I hope one day they make a MUMMY 4.


Same here. Don't understand all the fuzz about replacing Weisz, although I like her. What's wrong with Bello? And why would we want an Egyptian mummy yet again? I just sat down with the same lack of expectations as with the first, had a good time, and found this to be more entertaining then the second one.


your all stuck up this film is awesome for the visuals and action alone but it all blends very well its a fun ride just as it is intended .simple as !!


I kinda like it, it was entertaining but quite bad compared to the first 2.


It wasn't amazing but it had moments but it has been a while since I had seen it so for now 6 stars


I liked Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. IMHO it was a fun popcorn movie which took the franchise onto new ground and expanded its universe. After two movies and an animated series with mostly the same core characters it would seem that the Mummy universe needed to expand or get stuck in an ancient Egyptian rut, condemning it to rehash the same plot over and over again. Such as... Imhotep is back! He's mad and after something else! What does he want? He wants the ruby sandals of Oz-ymandius. It's up to the O'connnels to stop him before he takes over the world and turns the worlds oceans into pudding. All this and more in "The Mummy 47"! *Rolls eyes* There are mummies found just about all over the world so the possibilities for further and different adventures are practically endless.
