Were they simply the safe picks? Don't get me wrong, I like what they've done with these two... But I still think Wasp and Ant Man should've been there from the start... Or they could've introduced Wanda and QS in this instead.
BW and HE are just too dull (compared to the other options) to have so many starring roles in this series IMO.
A man walks into an Ackbar... Bartender says: It's a trap!
This old imdb topic makes me think how different the original Avengers comics are from the movies and how movie fans might not like them. For instance, about 17 issues into the original Avengers run, Thor and Iron Man leave the team and then it consists of just Captain America, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Ant Man, and Wasp. Not long after, Ant Man and Wasp leave the team and it's that first 4 characters I mentioned for quite a few issues. The team constantly changes in the comics.
Same with X-Men. Launching that franchise with Iceman, Cyclops, Jean "Marvel Girl" Grey, Beast, and Angel would not have worked. Wolverine is too popular a character to leave out. I think Storm and Rogue were probably necessary, too.
Yeah. The 70s and 80s characters are too well known to leave out of X-Men. Rogue didn't get created til the 80s. Collossus, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Storm were all created in the mid 70s though.