Never cast a hot rapist...

It distracted me the whole time. If you want me to be disgusted with the rapist, pick an average/ugly looking guy! I shouldn't be attracted to the rapist!



I lost a lot of respect for Garret Dillahunt. Why would he ever accept such a crappy role. Why would he even go lower by filming that scene? I mean Sara Paxton's a little slut, however, why did he agree to do it? Bastard!

It's sometimes difficult to know when some of you are being serious, and this is one of those posts that has me wondering, but here goes...

Really. You're surprised that an actor would take on an obviously difficult role like this and give his utmost effort to pull off an as authentic and believable performance as he can muster? My dear, it's called acting.

To most of the top actors and actresses it is the more difficult roles that test their mettle and provide the most 'meat on the bone' if you will. He thought he could do the movie justice, and by some of the more animated reactions here I'd say he succeeded brilliantly.

I'd say the same goes for Paxton's turn as the victim but I'm sensing so much personal hate from you towards her that I suspect your head might explode if I did. So I won't. I will suggest however that you should probably stay away from edgy suspenseful horror-thrillers like this and stick to Y&R, which has had it's share of rape content as well but it's toned down some for the less adventurous viewer.

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! THIS IS THE WAR ROOM!


How is it any of your concern who she's slept with? I venture to guess you actually don't even know anything about her in real life, but even if you do her choices are none of your damn business. Get the fvck over yourself.


This posted in the wrong spot, but I think it's clear who I'm addressing.


I think you should be disgusted with the act no matter how "hot" the one performing it looks. Attractive people can commit crimes just as much as unattractive people. Besides, I am of the belief that an ugly personality can all the sudden make even the most attractive person grotesque and Krug certainly had an ugly personality.


Compared to the first movie, this actor is much better looking but the first movies actor looked deformed.

Superman & Wonder Woman





theacm you got distracted, turned on or however you put it by a character that was absolute filth in the movie? Honestly that is pretty messed up.


I don't think that's what he/she was saying. To me it was "Oh he's handsome," not "He's so good-looking that I forgive him for being a horrible person." The word "attracted" can simply mean finding someone good-looking. It's ok to find someone attractive even though he's a bad person. It doesn't mean that the OP is deranged.


If you want me to be disgusted with the rapist, pick an average/ugly looking guy!

I'm sorry, OP didn't say what now?

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?


I think I know what you mean. Garrett Dillahunt is very handsome, and it's uncomfortable to see someone do something horrific and unforgivable, yet you think about how good-looking he is. "Distracting" is a good word. We think of bad things in terms like "ugly," but when bad things are done by attractive people, it can create a weird feeling, maybe ambivalence. It's not that we approve of the person and the acts, it's just a strange contrast that we have to reconcile. The person can be good-looking and commit horrible acts. It doesn't mean that the acts are condoned.

I hope this helps some of the people who don't understand what the OP means and are giving him/her a hard time. Maybe now you guys can chill out and quit trying to make him/her feel bad.


Did you actually read what they posted? Bc everything you're claiming they didn't mean is actually exactly what they said...

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?
