Wow look at all this hate on college fraternities. I'm not really surprised. During my four years as an undergrad greek (Phi Delta Theta) I've pretty much encountered every type of hater, ignoramus, and snob and consequently, they weren't greek, in fact they looked down their noses at us.
But rather than making us question our descisons on being part of something bigger than ourselves, it strengthened our bonds, made us stronger and work harder to prove to others and ourselves that we could weather whatever obstacle came our way. And we did.
For me, I came away from college with this: 3.2 cumulative GPA (3.6 in-major) roughly 150 hours community service, leader experience in the fraternity, inter-greek council and student government, contacts in several industries, a loving girlfriend, self confidence, a $55K/yr job right out of school and a *beep* AWESOME GROUP OF BROTHERS. I have my college fraternity to thank for that, the maker of men. I'm not saying its for everyone because its not but for those who do join and those who do truly take the good with the bad will realize it is unlike any organization save from the brotherhoods formed in the military, religious organizations, or groups like the Freemasons.
So stop the witch hunting and scapegoating. This movie is an insult to actual college men who can both party and make grades. These characters are one-dimensional meatheads, nothing like the real life they mock.
To those who are bitter from a wasted college 'experience' spent meticulously chasing that 4.0, you missed the point. Do not blame fraternities and sororities for your poor choices, in fact if you had removed your blinders you would have found friends instead of enemies.