MovieChat Forums > True Blood (2008) Discussion > Where did this show start to go wrong?

Where did this show start to go wrong?

Lets face it, season one and two were great campy fun. Even 3 and 4 had a lot to enjoy. But then the show really started becoming a turgid mess, beginning with the whole vampire religion plotline.

But for me, the first moment the show really faltered was when they did the subplot of Jason being captured by the werepanthers, being bitten repeatedly and used as a potential breeder.

He suffered a sort of similar fate in the books, but readers know he became a werepanther from the bites (those bitten become half breeds- who actually turn into a half man/half animal creature, unlike the full breeds to change fully into the actual animal when they turn.

However in the show, after several episodes of his capture, and eventual escape which was anti-climatic, Jason awaits his transformation- and nothing happens....Because it was so awesome having this arc culminating in no payoff whatsoever.

For me, this was the first instance of poor writing where randomness ensued for no reason (other than the whims of the writers)

After this, we had characters make entire personality changes from season to season (and sometimes episode to episode) for no viable reason.

Bill goes from good guy to good guy with shady past, to jerk, to outright supervillian and eventually an overpowered vampire beast god, just for that to be dropped into him being an enigmatic self serving jerk, and then complete 180 reversal into being a nice guy again.

And this is just ONE example.



I think in the second half of episode 1. AT episode 2 now and it just gets weirder and weirder, not sure how long i can take it :)


although season 5 wasn't as good as season 1-4 but I still enjoyed it, for me the show really started to go downhill from season 6 onwards when it became the 'Bill Compton show', I didn't sign up for that, there was just too much focus on the Bill character who I don't even like and don't care about. It was a horrid experience for me to sit through watching so many scenes with a boring character I don't like and don't care about, alot of the times I just wanted to skip all of Bill's scenes...but I wanted to know what was going on in the storylines, so I had to tolerate all his scenes. I came really close to dropping this show about halfway through season 6, but I tolerated it because of Eric and some of the other characters who were actually interesting...seriously, if it were not for Eric and some of the other characters, I would've dropped this show after season 1.

For me, the show really started to go down the pooper in the last 2 seasons when it became the 'Bill Compton show' wonder the ratings went downhill in the last 2 seasons.


It went wrong beginning in 6.04, the first ep Buckner was fully in charge of. Up until then it was poised to 'make good on promises' it had made, ie explode some bombs in the garden, as Michael McMillian promised in an interview he gave before the start of the season.

Not entirely without significance to this discussion, Hudis had promised ahead of his tenure:

“Certainly he’s not going to be the Bill we know and love,” says Hudis of the character’s evolution next season. “He’s going to have more bite, no pun intended.”

He looked to be making good on that but then bam! he was gone and Bill ended the season as a 'savior', so..


The introduction of Russell Edgington ... his campy portrayal coincided with a big upswing in ratings for the show. So the show boosted its campiness by 300%. It was all downhill from there.

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lets see..everything after season 4.

1. the boring ass SMOKE MONSTER storyline. So random and does anyone care about Terrys war past?

2. the inconsistencies and PLOTHOLES with the Vampire authority storylines..

3. Bill going toe to toe with much OLDER vampires..made no sense.

4. Warlow...nuff said.

5. Fairy storyline.

6. Taras true death.

7. The entire season 7!!


I liked the first 2 seasons. Disliked to varying degrees the rest. But for me season 3 was the one that started the downhill trend.


The moment they decided to kill of Godric, the single most dynamic, interesting character on TB. The show was never the same after that

Conservatives hate what people do -- Liberals hate who people are.


For me the show started to go wrong when .bill was made King. It was such a rush Jo pub and made no sense et all. bill had zero qualifications to be made King. He had been a procurer and undercover agent for Nan but that doesn't mean he's King material. In fact he had zero leadership skills whatsoever, hated being a vampire and had no use for his fellow vampires. He was more of a lone wolf type and ideally suited to sneaking around corners procuring and spying. The move to kill Queen Sophie Anne and replace her with .bill was a poor choice and most likely done in some type of prop up this character since Eric had become the most popular character on the show and many fans had turned against Bill because of his perfidy againstcSookie and attempts to kill Eric and the end of season 4 they had really list it as they attempted to bring Bill back into Sookie's heart by creating some trumped up romantic were all set to enjoy a long love affair between Eric and Sookie until Bill was pushed back into their fsces for no good reason at all. It just got worse from their in .s5 as they tried to force a bromance between Eric and Bill . It just wasn't believable.tge secondary story arcs for the other characters started to become more inane and boring as all of the creative energy was spent on propping up Bill Compton which only succeeded in draining the life out of the show, the were wolves could have been made into some super intense and interesting story lines and there should have been more interaction between them and the vampires. Sam and the shifter storyline ,likewise could have benefitted from a more dynamic approach instead of being left to languish in the backwaters of the show. But no...we had to keep watching Bill Compton betrayer extraordinaire whose plans never ever worked out and whose puffed up arrogant posturing begged for humiliation and retribution from someone--- anyone. So much do, thatvI laughed and clapped in glee when he ,as Billith, arrogantly went into the sun and burst into flames. I was so disappointed when he didn't turn into ash. Instead, we had to endure him right up to the very end and all of the characters and story arcs suffered because of it.


I liked the first 2 seasons. Disliked to varying degrees the rest. But for me season 3 was the one that started the downhill trend.

This. Seasons 1 & 2 had well established storylines with few side stories(re-watching season 1 now and the only side story was Lettie Mae and her demon). Season 3 tried to fit 3 pounds of baloney into a 1 pound bag and the writers/producers didn't learn from their mistakes. Couple that with Ball's anti-Christian/pro-gay agenda and it made for bad storylines. Anytime you try to use plot devices to fit a political agenda, the show suffers.


Bill was most certainly "King material ". This woman MaggiesView is clever and articulate but all twisted up by her implacable hatred of
the Compton character. Early on, Nan ( representing the Authority ) spotted Bill as a great future Mainstreamer, and destined for a leadership position. Bill is a highly intelligent, well-read, man with a great deal of self-control ( please, spare me the stupid "rapist " accusations" ) who, inner conflict notwithstanding, was an outstanding King ( of course, the only other Vampire monarchs we see
are, in different ways, extremely crazy ). He is smart enough to plant one of his security people in the coven at Moon Goddess, and when she reports that Marnie brought a bird back from the dead for a few moments, he immediately sees the danger of necromancy and sends his best sheriff ( Eric ) to deal with the situation.

But Eric doesn't handle the situation. As usual, he loses control and assaults Marnie ( a "fang rape" ) which only makes matters worse as it ensures the union of Antonia with Marnie. He manages to put Marnie in custody, but when Sheriff Luis ( who remembers the revenge of Antonia during the Inquisition ) falls under Antonia's spell and warns Bill, just before Bill is obliged to kill him, he orders his remaining
Sheriffs to order all the Vamps in their jurisdictions to silver themselves during the day, thus saving the majority of them. His inadequate silvering of Jessica because, like any good father, he can't stand to see her suffer, is not the act of a "villain"as at least 2 of the Eric
groupie Bill-haters have called him.

And he tries to make peace with Antonia/ Marnie before the near-disaster of the Moon-Goddress confrontation. In all sorts of ways, Bill
is an excellent King, who knows how to handle the Media, and is smart enough to know that the Nan/ Authority 's Festival of Tolerance
will be a disaster. But he is forced under orders from above to go ahead with it. I think Vampire monarchies don't get much better than
King Bill. Anyway, how else could he have got rid of Sophie-Anne ( who is probably 4X his age ) without the backup of the Authority?
After all, his over-riding obsession is to protect Sookie from anyone who knows what her blood can do.

One of the most idiotic moments in the whole series occurs when Marnie/Antonia takes Sookie outside during the stand -off at the Moon
Goddess ( now surrounded with a Vampire-killing energy field ) is her offer to let Sookie live if both Bill and Eric kill themselves.
Let's not forget that from the start ( when Godric offers Eric, dying of his wounds, a choice - the choice Bill never got - to die and go to
Valhalla, or "what you love the most - Life", Eric chooses to live, as Godric knew he would. It is completely out of character for the
life-loving Vampire to so readily agree to kill himself. No wonder Pam freaks out! Bill is another story. To die for Sookie is completely consistent with his strong streak of melancholia and guilt. In another post I said Bill was a neurotic Vampire and explained why.
Nevertheless, he was a good King. Sure, he likes power. If he can't have a normal ( human ) life with Sookie, he might as well have the power to protect her, Jessica and other Vampires, as well as advance the Mainstream agenda. After all, he is still a young Vampire - only 175 years old and without this Office he can't fight older vampires like Sophie-Anne, Lorena etc. The near-fatal decision not to
kill a creature like Russell Eggington was Eric's, not Bill's. Bill was brought down because Nan Flanagan blamed him for the witch debacle and the Festival of Tolerance, which Bill opposed knowing Marnie/Antonia had Vampires under her power and the thing would turn into a bloodbath.


Watch S4-5 again. The Authority blamed Nan for the Festival of Tolerance fiasco and brought Bill and Eric in to face punishment be cause Bill failed to kill Eric and Eric failed to kill Russell when ordered to so by the Authority.

Bill is a weak indulgent father. His failure to adequately silver Jessica almost cost her her life..What?nSo he doesn't have to listen to her scream in pain he risks loosing her altogether? That's not the act of a good father. It's the act of a weak indulgent one. Sookie had the strength to silver Eric with as much silver as he told her to use even though it killed her to see him in such pain. She did it because she had more strength of character in her little finger than Bill had in his whole body. Also, when Bill and Eric thought they would be executed by the authority,Eric released Pam so she would not experience the pain of his death and Bill talked to Jessica about what a great maker he was because Jessica had turned out so well and he was so cool because he provided the best matajuna and let Jessica have wild parties at his mansion. He didn't do a thing to try and sheild or protect her from his eminent death. Let's not forget what a great father he was when he became a Chancillor and slapped Jesdica around because she did'nt want to turn Jason.

As for being King as he was just as good at that as he was at being a Chancellor for the Authority and as Billith the vampire Demi - God. That is to say that he was self serving ,arrogant and power hungry. The whole reason he murdered off the other Chancellors was so that he could be the special snowflake,Lilith's chosen one, and drink all of her blood to become a Demi God. Once he did,he promptly began arguing with Lilith showing that he was certainly not in her power at all nor was her blood influencing him. He never obeyed her. He just wanted to set his own agenda instead of carrying out hers. As Chancillor, he came up with the idea to burn all of the true blood factories causing countless human deaths. On the personal front ,he ordered Jessica to turn Jason , tried to kill Sam, imprisoned Tara and Pam with the intention of executing them as well and called Sookie an abomination. He was not " temporarily insane" nor was he taken over by Lilith's blood when he did all of these things. He wanted to do them because too much power is just plain bad for some personalities,particularly ones full of self loathing and recriminations like Bill's. He was guilty because he had good cause to feel guilty. His stint as a procurer ( pimp ) for Queen Sophie Anne alone was cause for several life times of guilt let alone all of the atrocities he perpetrated with his maker.. He was eaten up with guilt and self loathing. This kind of personality can't be given any power ever. The more power he got,the more corrupt he became. That old adage," absolute power corrupts absolutely " was Bill's story arc from S4 through S6.

In S5, it was made very clear by putting Eric and Bill side by side at the Authority to share the same fate that Erc ,who did not want power,could not be corrupted by Salome and the Authority but Bill who did want it was slowly corrupted first by Salome and Roman then by Lilith even admitting to Eric that he was " loosing " himself. In the episode " Save Yourself" it was made even more clear that Bill couldn't save himself and he succumbed to his need for power while Eric was able to save himself because he had not succumbed. Sam,Jessica,Sookie etc. we're also all able to save themselves in that episode. That's because they were all strong resourceful characters who did not put power first in their lives but instead they put the welfare of those they loved first. Only Bill put himself and his need for power first. That's why he ended up getting so much of it and although Lilith clearly told him she was not a God and neither was he,when he wrote his book he called himself a God. Such was his desire for self aggrandizement that even after he lost all of his super powers as Billith,he wanted to maintain to the world that he had been a God.


I am always reminded of Eddie's words to Jason about vampires when they are turned:

'We are what we are when we were made.'

Physically but also in terms of character and Bill Compton was always a creature of low character despite his pretense to the contrary.

Bill Compton's words never once matched his deeds. He was a liar and a manipulator from the very beginning and this never changed. His actions showed the truth of who and what he was and they always contradicted his honeyed lies.

Bill Compton sought every opportunity to advance his own lust for power and never failed to attempt to blame others, most particularly women, for his actions when those schemes backfired.

Such a 'sterling' fellow who happily used and exploited women to get ahead and then blamed those very women for his failures.

I fail to comprehend how anyone could willingly choose to defend such a reprehensible character who was never called to any meaningful account for his abuses of both people and power.

Unpalatable truths are no less true.


Seriously?? How was he dynamic or even integral to the plot?? Dude had like 20 mins of screen time. He was mad old and had seen enough.

Almost a non event in the entirety of the series.


I liked the first 2 seasons. Disliked to varying degrees the rest. But for me season 3 was the one that started the downhill trend.

Also my view.


Season 4 is where it started to slide for me, but it didn't get horrible until the end of Season 5. Billith was the show's biggest mistake IMO. They should have just left him dead and carried on. Warlow should have never been introduced, and Eric and Sookie should have been more front and center. Oh, and bringing Russell Edgington (the show's most popular antagonist) back and then not using him to his fullest potential was an epic fail on their part.


Billith was the show's biggest mistake IMO. They should have just left him dead and carried on.

Or better yet, if it was a must that he live for plot or other reasons, at least his reveal as a monster soaked in blood [metaphorically] should have been left in place and given his due as the series Big Bad rather than the half indifferent, half ridiculous attempts to resuscitate him back to life as the 'Bill we first fell in love with' gaaag.


Season 1 and 2 are awesome, Season 4 is fun. The rest ranges from watchable to filmed abortions.

Who the hell bought Season 7 on Bluray????
